Always know what you have on your account and what you have for liabilities, that is very important. Even a private household should keep some kind of accounting, even if it is now a simple household book. For businesses, of course, this is even more important. Because a company can get into difficulties very quickly, which then also affects the salaries that have to be paid to the employees. Once a company is in trouble, then it is almost impossible to save it. For the purpose that a company, even if it is small, is spared this fate, there are also self-employed accountants. These offer their services to various businesses. These businesses can be from different industries. Self-employed accountants can use a special domain extension for their domains, .accountant. This is a generic top-level domain. This way, accountants can advertise their service very well, and without spending a penny too much on ads, etc.
Allocation and use
This is a business domain extension, which is assigned to a special professional group. Ultimately, this also means that the accountant, if he wants to register a domain on this domain extension, must prove that he is actually active as an accountant. This can be done by means of a corresponding license or by registering a business.
The importance of the domain extension accountant is not particularly large in the German-speaking world. The reason is that the term in Germany for something that has to do with accounting, not particularly widespread throughout the German-speaking world. In the English-speaking world, however, the term is very common. If a user in the English-speaking world reads this domain extension behind the company name, he or she quickly realizes that this is an offer in the field of accounting. From a global perspective, however, the importance of the domain extension is very low, as not many domains with this extension are registered.
Registration period of the domain
Minimum and maximum length
Transfer to the Premium Provider
Change of ownership (registrant)
Provider change possible
Whois update possible
Whois Privacy Protection
Name Server Update
Domain Expire (end of term)
Deletion immediately
Umlauts possible
Restore after deletion possible