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as-domain Domain

.as domain

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Meaning and history

.as is the country-specific Top Level Domain for American Samoa (American overseas territory).

The domain extension .as was introduced on 12. 65. 1997. The company AS Domain Registry, which is located in Germany, is responsible for the administration.

There are no restrictions on the assignment of an Internet address with the ending .as. The domain may be registered and used by any person or company worldwide. The use of this internet name for websites with pornographic content is expressly prohibited.

Internet addresses with this extension can only be registered on a second level. In Scandinavia, the letters A/S are used as an abbreviation for public limited company. Many companies from Norway and Denmark therefore register an Internet name ending in .as.

In general, a domain ending is particularly meaningful. On the basis the domain ending the user can draw conclusions, which offer expects him on the Internet presence. The domain ending .as does not necessarily give information about the country of origin of a website. It is also used to create interesting web names that are read in combination with the words before the dot.

Experienced search engine optimizers know that the choice of the domain ending is an important ranking factor in search engines. Pages with the domain extension .as are preferred after a regional search, because users who start a regional search want to find an offer from the region. With country-specific searches, a high traffic flow can be directed to the website with this domain extension.

The use of the domain extension influences the behaviour of users. For example, if you are looking for holiday accommodation in the American Samoa region, you will prefer to click on websites with the specific domain extension.

Like all domain names, Internet addresses with this ending are generally only assigned once. If the desired Top Level Domain has already been assigned, it may be possible to buy the desired name from the current domain holder.

For companies with a still little known name, it is advantageous to use a meaningful domain name that matches the search intention of the target group. A disadvantage could possibly be that not all expectations can be met by using this domain extension. The name of the website should therefore not be too specific and should be as short as possible.

The allocation of Internet addresses with a specific country code for the American overseas territory is carried out fully automatically within a few minutes by the responsible registry.

Special features of the domain extension

.as domains may be ordered by anyone for any legal purpose, with the exception of domains from the pornographic sector.


Registration period of the domain

The registration of a .as domain usually takes several hours

Minimum and maximum length

3 - 63 characters

Transfer to the Premium Provider

Change of ownership (registrant)

Provider change possible

Whois update possible

Whois Privacy Protection

Name Server Update

Domain Expire (end of term)

Deletion immediately

Umlauts possible

Restore after deletion possible

A reactivation is possible within the first 29 days after deletion (99 € incl. 19 % VAT)

Forms and conditions

The allocation conditions for .as domains can be found in our overview.
