How is a DDoS attack repelled?

The voxility defense system against DDoS attacks The frequency of DDoS attacks and the associated bandwidth volume have increased significantly in recent years. The attack patterns are becoming larger and more complex - resulting in an arms race between hackers and Internet service providers. One of the best-known providers of network security solutions is the company Voxility. This [...]

Password managers bring order to the password chaos

To ensure lasting security, you should always use complex and, above all, regularly changed passwords for email accounts or online access. However, many people are overwhelmed with remembering all the passwords. A password manager is supposed to solve this problem. What do password managers actually do? Password managers are used to store different passwords and access data (for example, for email accounts or [...]


At first glance, identity theft may not appear to have much in common with the topic of WordPress, but if the topic is given a little more attention, it can quickly be seen that administrators are also affected. It is not important whether it is about the responsibility towards the user data or the own data that has to be protected. identity [...]

Anyone can create a digital product

Just a few years ago, creating your own product was a major challenge. Time and money had to be invested to first create a prototype that could eventually go into production. What sounds like a short process often took years and was fraught with many obstacles. Those who create a physical product [...]

Description affiliate theme for Amazon, etc. here affiliseo .de

Affiliate marketing is an eminently important part of online marketing and it is hard to imagine an appropriate strategy without it. Because a not inconsiderable part of the business takes place predominantly on affiliate marketplaces designated in this way. On these marketplaces the advertisers or merchants provide advertising material, which in turn is then used by the respective publishers or affiliates on their own [...] - Unlimited Cloud Hosting

Limitless storage space is essential for many businesses today. After all, the amount of data processed is increasing all the time. In addition, an unlimited transfer volume is required. 5hosting now offers this service and other future-oriented options to its customers. Details about the technology 5hosting uses SSD servers. A look at the basic scheme [...]

Set up an email account on the iPhone.

To set up your email account on iPhone Your Apple iPhone can receive and send email. To do this, you need to set up your mailbox in your phone. The iOS device has a native mail app that supports all popular email accounts. The app not only allows you to send and receive e-mails, [...]


Traffic in the broadest sense of the term is the transmission of data within the computer system. Also the traffic of visitors on a specific page is called traffic. The term traffic is also often used by Internet providers today to calculate the service. The service provider provides the user with a number of traffic for [...]

What are cookies actually?

Every Internet user has heard the term "cookie" before. But only a few know what cookies are all about. Cookies are harmless and make daily surfing on the Internet easier. In addition to useful cookies, there are also tracking cookies, which collect information in order to place targeted advertisements. We would like to clarify the functionality and special features of [...]

Why is SSL and antivirus protection very important for e-commerce sites?

Just as you need a firewall and an antivirus program for your computer that you connect to the Internet, the server for your cCommerce services must be secured accordingly. These protections can be divided into different areas: the SSL protocol, security programs with scanner and monitoring, regular security updates of the server operating system. In addition, a firewall is used for the network connection [...]