Almost like the Dutch, the Germans love to ride their bikes. Now it's not like hordes of cyclists set off for work or school in the morning. But the bicycle is a good alternative to bus and train and especially to the car. Especially in their free time, many Germans strap their bikes onto their car racks and head out into the countryside. Excursionists can be met wherever there are cycle paths or paved roads leading through beautiful countryside, far from the road at its best. For many Germans, the bicycle is also indispensable for going to the shops, especially if you don't have much to buy. The bicycle population was already more than 70 million in 2011 and has been growing ever since. Today - as many English terms are in circulation and migrate into German usage - the word bike is also associated with the term bicycle. However, scooters and motorcycles also come under this designation. Here, too, consumer enthusiasm knows hardly any bounds. No wonder that these fans have been given their own top-level domain - .bike.
However, the top-level domain is not even aimed at the consumers themselves, but rather at the dealers, i.e. bicycle dealers, motorcycle and scooter dealers, but also forum operators can benefit from the domain extension .bike. The reason for this is that the domain extension is self-explanatory and also internationally understandable. This is the reason why different domains from different countries are registered under this domain extension. Because access to this domain extension is open to everyone. Even if you are a private person and want to set up a fansite for cycling, you can register a domain with the extension .bike. And also tour operators, operators of online magazines about bicycles, scooters or motorcycles and sporting events .bike offers a good opportunity to establish a website among the fans.
The importance of the domain extension .bike is accordingly great. This has mainly to do with the fact that the English term is understood all over the world. Ultimately, the entire two-wheeler market - with / without engine - receives a promotionally effective appearance on the WWW with the top-level domain .bike.
Registration period of the domain
Minimum and maximum length
Transfer to the Premium Provider
Change of ownership (registrant)
Provider change possible
Whois update possible
Whois Privacy Protection
Name Server Update
Domain Expire (end of term)
Deletion immediately
Umlauts possible
Restore after deletion possible