Taking photographs was once a great challenge for photographers. Those who were to be photographed also had to have a lot of patience. It was not a matter of seconds, but hours until the picture could be created. In the field of photography, many advancements have been made in the last few centuries. It can be said that photography was and is the subfield of technology that has made the most progress. Today, everyone who has a smartphone also has a camera with them, as the standard equipment of a smartphone also includes at least one (in some models it is even two) camera(s). You can even say that the profession of photography has become a hobby or a leisure activity. Of course, the professional photographers don't like to hear that. Because for them, the development that has progressed in the field of smartphones has not exactly been conducive. Because the profession has become a hobby, so to speak. However, in most cases, when the smartphone is used for photography, it is a means to an end - namely to capture precious moments - without the intention of a commercial background. And yet, many people share their snapshots with the smartphone with the rest of the world - via WWW. For this purpose, the domain extension .cam can be very useful if the desired domain is already taken under another top-level domain.
The domain extension .cam can be used by private persons as well as by companies. The domain extension .cam can be used by bloggers and also by hobby photographers, i.e. by people who only have their smartphone as a "tool" to publish snapshots on the WWW. It doesn't even have to be a person who shoots photos for a living. In the course of the increase of the real urge to share personal things or events with the world, it is mainly users who want to share their personal snapshots with the world.
Registration period of the domain
Minimum and maximum length
Transfer to the Premium Provider
Change of ownership (registrant)
Provider change possible
Whois update possible
Whois Privacy Protection
Name Server Update
Domain Expire (end of term)
Deletion immediately
Umlauts possible
Restore after deletion possible