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The country domain .ch belongs to Switzerland. This country is located in the centre of Europe. The official languages are German, French and Italian.
Anyone accessing the country domain .ch is thus dealing with topics concerning Switzerland, current affairs and other diverse contents. Your own website can be put together just as easily as other industries can be followed.
Access is possible globally without restriction. This domain can be of interest for companies, enterprises or private persons. At the same time, the abbreviation is the Swiss national symbol.
The relevant data, which are SEO-optimized and leading in the ranking, are of course offered to the user first. This way one can get a first overview and then search more intensively if desired.
Within the domain .ch there are of course also differences with regard to the content offered. Targeted search queries before the domain show the desired topics. A query by single keywords or even complex sentences is equally possible.
Technical vocabulary is represented, professional content and entertaining topics can of course also be discovered on the respective pages. Not only texts are part of these domains. This also applies to tables, graphics, pictures and photos. Only this totality represents a holistic picture of the diversity of a functioning domain.
The order of the various pages with the ending .ch is subject to constant change. Thus the ranking is constantly being redefined and the demand from visitors varies accordingly. Current adjustments are therefore indispensable.
Local events are of course not exclusively the component of this domain. World events and other contexts are also illuminated and made understandable under .ch.
This means that virtually anyone can get the information they need according to their personal field of interest. Free pages are loaded as well as single articles, which have to be paid or for which a subscription is required.
You can make specific search queries and thus act time-oriented. Or you can obtain comprehensive information and thus learn to discover and understand the country better virtually. Niche sites are listed and also own articles can be written or individual comments can be made.
Like any country code top-level domain, the focus is of course on the country in question: in this case it is Switzerland.
Registration period of the domain
Minimum and maximum length
Transfer to the Premium Provider
Change of ownership (registrant)
Provider change possible
Whois update possible
Whois Privacy Protection
Name Server Update
Domain Expire (end of term)
Deletion immediately
Umlauts possible
Restore after deletion possible