If you are looking for a domain for Wales, you will find it with .cymru. The Welsh domain is considered a geoTLD for Wales. GeoTLD means top-level domain for a specific geological region. The domain with the Cymru ending refers to the corresponding country in the United Kingdom. Welsh is spoken in Wales, which is why "Cymru" is the Welsh term for Wales. With the domain extension, Wales can also become known on the World Wide Web. At the same time, the ending reflects the local identity and is very interesting for Welsh business people. In addition to the aforementioned extension, .wales is also offered.
Domain endings - similar variants
The registry Nominet is based in Cardiff and administers, for example, the domain extension .cymru. Nominet is also based in Oxford and is the registry for the .uk domain there. The registration of free .cymru domains can only take place if said domain is free. A free domain check can be used to check whether the desired domain can be used at all. Similar domains are for example .land, .uk and .wales.
Domain registration
Domains can only be registered if they are not already available. This means that the respective domain including the domain extension must be available. If the free check is negative and the domain is no longer available, then an alternative domain extension can be tried out. The domain extension can be used to specifically attract the desired customers.
Which characteristics should a domain incl. extension have?
The domain extensions that belong to the category of cities and regions should have a minimum length of 3 characters and a maximum length of 63 characters. The registration of the desired domain usually takes a few hours. This also applies to the .cymru domain extension. If the domain has been deleted, a reactivation is possible within the first 30 days after the deletion. As a rule, a fee is charged for this. Originality is required when choosing the respective domain and the desired domain extension. With a memorable domain, the target group can be addressed conveniently. No matter if business, blogger or other internet enthusiasts, the .cymru domain extension is memorable and indicates the local affiliation to Wales.
Registration period of the domain
Minimum and maximum length
Transfer to the Premium Provider
Change of ownership (registrant)
Provider change possible
Whois update possible
Whois Privacy Protection
Name Server Update
Domain Expire (end of term)
Deletion immediately
Umlauts possible
Restore after deletion possible