Fathers are usually part of a family. For many children, their fathers are true heroes. How to behave as a father towards the family as a whole and especially towards his children, that is, how to deal with them and how to care for them, of course, new fathers still have to learn. Special websites can help fathers to become real heroes for their families and children. Fathers can find help above all in forums and also when reading through contributions in blogs. For such a website, an operator of forums or guides or blogs has a special domain extension available for the domain address - .dad. This is the English term for "dad" or "father". The domain extension .dad is especially designed for fathers' magazines and fathers' communities, but also for family products and blogs.
For some time now, the domain extension and the corresponding domain address have been assigned by companies and private individuals all over the world. First of all, during the sunrise phase, brand owners were given the opportunity to register their brand under this domain extension. After that, the domain extension .dad was released to be registered by all interested parties.
Use and meaning
The domain extension .dad has especially for the website operators who have something to contribute to the topic of being a father or becoming a father. It doesn't matter if it's a guidebook or a blog or a forum where fathers can exchange ideas about the problems that arise when you become a father or are a father. Because as the saying goes: Becoming a father is not difficult, but being a father is. Especially when the children reach their teenage years, it becomes particularly difficult for most fathers - especially if it is a daughter - to cope with the situation. Because very few fathers accept the man by their daughter's side. Also for this reason, such forums etc. have a very great importance.
Registration period of the domain
Minimum and maximum length
Transfer to the Premium Provider
Change of ownership (registrant)
Provider change possible
Whois update possible
Whois Privacy Protection
Name Server Update
Domain Expire (end of term)
Deletion immediately
Umlauts possible
Restore after deletion possible