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The domain .dm is the country-specific top-level domain (ccTLD) of the small island state of Dominica. The domain has been in existence since 3 September in the summer of 1991 and is thus one of the older top-level domains. The domain was initially registered by IANA. In the meantime, a subsidiary of the company DotDM Corporation is administering it. The subsidiary is located in St. Ingbert, Saarland.
Dominica is an island state in the eastern Caribbean, between North and South America. The president of the parliamentary republic is Charles Savarin. The country with the capital Roseau has more than 70,000 inhabitants (status: 2018). The technical infrastructure is far below the European average. Thus, by far not all inhabitants have a reasonable access to the World Wide Web. Even though the government is working hard on it, it will still take many years until the country has equipped a large part of the country with an Internet connection. Accordingly, the domain .dm has not been used very often in Dominica.
The allocation of the domain is completely unrestricted. Any natural or legal person may request a .dm domain from DotDM Corporation. No residence or stay on the island state is necessary for a successful registration. The automated allocation normally takes place within three working days. There are no restrictions on registration.
The top-level domain .dm offers even more domains on the second level. The following second-level domains can be registered with DotDM Corporation:
.com.: for commercial companies and organisations
.org.: for charity
.net.: for Internet operators
.edu.: for schools and other educational institutions
.gov.: for the government and related companies
The whois service of the .dm domain does not reveal any personal information about the domain holder. This makes the applicants for the domain de facto anonymous and invisible on their domain. Thus, it is not possible to trace who is running the domain. Some site owners, who are in the legal grey area, take advantage of this to protect themselves.
Since the prices for .dm domains are relatively high, this domain extension is not very popular on the internet and is hardly ever used. There are no official figures about the number of registered domains.
Registration period of the domain
Minimum and maximum length
Transfer to the Premium Provider
Change of ownership (registrant)
Provider change possible
Whois update possible
Whois Privacy Protection
Name Server Update
Domain Expire (end of term)
Deletion immediately
Umlauts possible
Restore after deletion possible