The domain extension .enterprises is available since 2014 and can be booked without restrictions. The extension is especially suitable for companies and businesses that want to make their internet presence more professional with the appropriate domian.
The right extension for companies
Companies in Germany mainly still use the well-known domain extension ".de". Of course, you can also reach a website this way. However, if you want to get more attention as a company, the domain extension ".enterprises" is available. This is much more memorable than if you only use the classic endings. You also have the possibility to combine the extensions. So to deposit the same homepage under different endings. Thus one can buy the new Domainendung for small money in addition and simply keep the old. So you can also find out whether it makes sense to keep them or not. On the basis of the click numbers one can recognize which ending has a larger success and which one should continue to use. In the long run, of course, you also have the possibility to keep several extensions. So you don't have to decide for one if two or three endings are successful and for example well placed in search engines.
Why use the domain for the company?
The translation of Enterprises is company or business. So it's a direct translation in the domain, so it's clear to anyone who goes to that page what he or she can expect. Also, if the business is international, this ending can serve a lot of purpose. Customers from abroad are more likely to visit a website ending in ".enterprises" than a website ending in ".de". If the content of the website is then also offered in English and not only in German, the website reflects a lot of professionalism.
Becoming more visible internationally
With the right domain, you can also become more visible abroad. Google lets websites with international endings be listed higher in other countries, so even the homepage with the classic ending ".de". The success should therefore increase visibly, especially abroad, and also be visible in the statistics.
Registration period of the domain
Minimum and maximum length
Transfer to the Premium Provider
Change of ownership (registrant)
Provider change possible
Whois update possible
Whois Privacy Protection
Name Server Update
Domain Expire (end of term)
Deletion immediately
Umlauts possible
Restore after deletion possible