What does it actually mean to be a fan? This question is quite simple to answer. It is about people who share a common enthusiasm and passion. For some, this enthusiasm and passion even goes so far that they remain loyal to their band or favorite club, for life. Enthusiasm can also be shared with a passion for a car brand or a motorcycle brand. This identification with models is a fascinating phenomenon, which is even researched by scientists and which is present in all age groups and social classes. However, it is necessary to distinguish between the passion that is exercised silently and that which is exercised fanatically. No matter how strong the passion is, an increased interest in the respective topic is present in any case. And it is ultimately this fan culture that also connects people and promotes the brand or the club and makes it great. This fascination and passion for something is also exercised on the WWW. Ultimately, it is also the WWW that connects fans even more and ultimately brings them together.
Important economic factor
Fan culture on the WWW even has its own top level domain, .fan. This social trend of exchanging ideas on the WWW on such sites, i.e. in forums and also on the fan sites themselves, has now acquired great social significance. This trend is also a very important economic factor. And the fan sites also have a high traffic. This factor is a true reflection of the great success of fan sites, including the social networks that can be linked to the websites.
Success also for the artists and the fans
Also the artists or celebrities or the clubs benefit from the popularity of the websites with the domain extension .fan. First of all, they are a good basis for a strong community on the WWW and also an important marketing concept. This is because fan sites not only allow contacts to be made between the clubs and the celebrities. A lot of fan articles can also be sold via these websites. And these ultimately contribute to the income and thus to the economic success of a club, singer or other artist.
Registration period of the domain
Minimum and maximum length
Transfer to the Premium Provider
Change of ownership (registrant)
Provider change possible
Whois update possible
Whois Privacy Protection
Name Server Update
Domain Expire (end of term)
Deletion immediately
Umlauts possible
Restore after deletion possible