The profession of florist is a craft or artistic profession. The design of cut flowers and plant decorations is something that many people take up when it comes to funerals or weddings or birthdays. Flowers are always a great gift and the florists also put in a lot of effort to always create a beautiful bouquet. For florists, as the florists are also still called, there is even a separate domain extension - namely .florist. This is the exact job title that is officially used. The name for the profession of florist is, incidentally, derived from the Latin name Flora and thus from the Roman goddess of flowers and youth. Even though the term florist is still commonly used in all generations, the professional title of florist was introduced as early as 1967. In the broad public it lasts however until today that this occupation name becomes generally accepted. Many still say of themselves that they are florists.
Allocation and use
The .florist domain extension is mainly used by flower shops and florists. It is important to know that there is a big difference between these two terms. A florist is a trader who buys his goods (i.e. the flowers) directly from the producer and the florists then process these flowers. The domain extension .florist is ultimately very interesting for both sides, both for the traders, as well as for the florists who assemble the flower arrangements into a beautiful bouquet. It is very interesting especially for the dealers to have their own website, if they are not only limited to local trade from their expansion. Interesting is the domain extension .florist also for the gift service of flowers. With an appropriate web address it is possible to bind many users and find customers.
This is the perfect domain extension for florists and traders. However, the importance of this domain extension is very low.
Registration period of the domain
Minimum and maximum length
Transfer to the Premium Provider
Change of ownership (registrant)
Provider change possible
Whois update possible
Whois Privacy Protection
Name Server Update
Domain Expire (end of term)
Deletion immediately
Umlauts possible
Restore after deletion possible