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The domain extension .in is the country-specific top-level domain from India, which was introduced in 1989 and is administered by the registry National Internet Exchange of India.
India is located in South Asia and with its 1.393 billion inhabitants is the second most populous country after China. This also makes India the most populous democratic country in the world. In total, India consists of 28 different states. In the north of the country lies the famous and impressive Himalayan Mountains, while the southern part of the country is surrounded by the Indian Ocean.
With regard to the development of the .in domain, it can be said that by the end of 2004, almost 7,000 domains had been registered. In order to further promote the growth of the top-level domain and to give it a greater weighting internationally, the INRegistry decided to further liberalise the allocation criteria for the domain and to relax them accordingly. This made it possible for any person or company within the country and abroad to register the domain.
This ensured that the number of .in domain registrations rose to 75,000 in 2005. The 200,000 mark was first broken in November 2006. At that time, the foreign share of registered domains accounted for 37 percent. Germany and the United States of America accounted for the largest shares.
Since 2011, so-called internationalized domain names are also supported. This means that characters from other alphabets are also accepted and can be used without problems. A total of seven variants are available from the top-level domain, covering all languages recognized by the Constitution of India.
As already mentioned, the .in domain is also very popular internationally. For example, it is also used by the German Agricultural Society. The German Agricultural Society uses the link dlgwe.in on the back of their wine bottle labels to link to test results and further information by means of a QR code. Many other German and international companies and private individuals are also increasingly using .in top-level domains.
You can order the desired names with the domain extension .in domain from the web hosting providers quickly and easily.co.in - the commercial extension under .in .firm.in - the company extension under .in .gen.in - the general extension under .in .ind.in - the Indian extension under .in .net.in - the network extension under .in .org.in - the organization extension under .in
Registration period of the domain
Minimum and maximum length
Transfer to the Premium Provider
Change of ownership (registrant)
Provider change possible
Whois update possible
Whois Privacy Protection
Name Server Update
Domain Expire (end of term)
Deletion immediately
Umlauts possible
Restore after deletion possible