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The domain .it stands for the country code Italy. Italy is a country in southern Europe with the capital Roma. The language of the country is Italian and in the original you do not speak of Italy but of Italia.
By typing .it you will be able to access Italian pages immediately and easily. You can start all calls and get information on politics, science, art and culture. The pages are accordingly in Italian and reflect current events as well as historical events and facts.
If you enter .it in your PC or mobile phone, you want to get to know the country, its people and the context. This can have various reasons like the preparation for a journey or one plans a stay or also a removal.
Of course, you can design your own Italian website, which is also accessible via the .it domain. It is the first two letters of the country, which is a logical reference to the subject matter.
Of course, .it can be used globally, so you don't necessarily have to be in Italy. The most important thing is that the information is specified in this way. The search queries can be more targeted, which is also a time advantage.
The .it pages are regularly maintained and revised. Because only current contents are of interest to the user. The relevant search queries are in first place. News and particularly important announcements can be called up separately. This classification system is additionally useful for the user.
Bookings, reservations and the like can be handled even easier via .it. This way the visitor or user gets an overview of the content he is looking for. For locals and tourists alike, this approach is of interest.
The expansion of the Internet will continue to be a high priority in the future. A successful Internet presence is of great importance for tourism and the entire infrastructure. In addition to the information, photos, tables, videos and clips are embedded in the pages.
Country-specific pages are of great importance when marketing a country and its various regions. Subpages enable even faster access for the visitor. Thus, country domains are important and the great popularity illustrates the importance in general and in particular.
.it domains can be registered for any (legal) purpose by companies and private individuals who have their residence or company headquarters in an EU member state, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, the Republic of San Marino or the Vatican CityThe Italian registry requires one of the following proofs when registering a .it domain: if a company is to become the owner of the .it domain, the company's VAT number must be provided. This can be entered in your portfolio in the "My data" section. If a private person is to become the owner of the .it domain, the ID number is requested. You can enter this number in the "My data" section of your portfolio. For Italian private individuals, the registry will ask for the so-called "codice fiscale". You can store this in your portfolio in the area "My data".
Registration period of the domain
Minimum and maximum length
Transfer to the Premium Provider
Change of ownership (registrant)
Provider change possible
Whois update possible
Whois Privacy Protection
Name Server Update
Domain Expire (end of term)
Deletion immediately
Umlauts possible
Restore after deletion possible