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ki domain Domain

.ki domain

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from 1200.00€ per year including 19% VAT

Meaning and history

The domain .ki is the country-specific top-level domain of Kiribati, which exists since 1995 and is administered by the Ministry of Communications, Transport and Tourism Development.

Kiribati is a so-called island state. The national territory is located in Micronesia, thus halfway between Hawaii and Australia. Altogether the island state consists of 32 atolls, consisting of the three groups of islands Gilbert Islands, Phoenix Islands and the Line Island as well as the island Banaba. Kiribati therefore has about 100,000 inhabitants, most of whom live on the Gilbert Islands.

Particularly noteworthy is the fact that, according to current calculations, the island state of Kiribati will no longer be habitable by 2050 and will be completely flooded by 2070.

Regarding the domain extension .ki, it should be noted that there are domains on the second and third level. In Kiribati there are therefore different domain endings for the corresponding institutions. The so-called second-level domains for companies, for example, end with .biz.ki, Internet Service Providers have a .net in front of it, mobile websites have the additional ending .mob, and when contact data is entered, the additional ending .tel is added.

Internationally, the .ki domain is not very well received and is largely used only within the country. This can be attributed to the enormously high fees that are charged for registering the domain. Other top-level domains are much cheaper than the country-specific domain of Kiribati, which has a strong impact on the international role of the domain.

Another reason why this domain ending is not very relevant for other countries could be the fact that the island state will not exist for much longer. Therefore, further domains of this class are not really worthwhile anymore. Also the relatively low population density and the lack of tourism makes online presences with the .ki domain rather uninteresting for the international market. The domain extension is limited to domestic institutions like schools, offices and universities.

Special features of the domain extension

.ki domains can be ordered by companies, organisations and individuals without restrictions. The following third-level domains are available for this purpose: com.ki, net.ki, org.ki


Registration period of the domain

The registration of a .ki domain usually takes several hours

Minimum and maximum length

2 - 63 characters

Transfer to the Premium Provider

Change of ownership (registrant)

Provider change possible

Whois update possible

Whois Privacy Protection

Name Server Update

Domain Expire (end of term)

Deletion immediately

Umlauts possible

Restore after deletion possible

A reactivation is possible within the first 35 days after deletion (129 € incl. 19 % VAT)

Forms and conditions

The allocation conditions for .ki domains can be found in our overview.
