Livezilla - an online chat for the website

LiveZilla - the real-time chat for your own website

Customer proximity, fast support and good accessibility - these factors play a decisive role in customer support. For website and shop operators who want to offer real-time chat in addition to contact via phone and email, the software plugin LiveZilla is recommended. With LiveZilla your customers (or business partners) get the possibility to contact you or one of your employees directly - simply by using a predefined chat form which opens after clicking on the integrated button.

Suitable for communication and support

LiveZilla is recommended as a chat tool both for selected communication with designated recipients, for example during an already scheduled conversation, but also for spontaneous conversation, for example when a customer has problems or questions and wants to reach the support promptly. The system supports both classic and compact chat in text form, but also offers additional support for webcams - either by one or both participants. The software also comes with a "Real Time Visitor Monitoring" function, so that traffic on the respective page can be analyzed later.

Especially in online business, customer proximity and fast support are irreplaceable. Since direct competition is often only a click away, it is all the more important to convince potential new customers of your company and at the same time offer existing customers an additional service. The customer as the lynchpin is also the central theme of LiveZilla software, which is why most of its users use it as a real-time chat for support staff. This is where the software shows its true strengths, as for example tickets can be created and prioritized using the internal ticket function, but at the same time there are waiting lines for use as a support tool.

Software Made in Germany

LiveZilla is developed and distributed by the company of the same name from Singen (Germany). In addition to the aforementioned chat support functions and the intuitive ticket system, the software also offers interfaces to social media (Facebook and Co) as well as to mail software and common mail accounts. A further strength of the software is its multilingual design. Even though LiveZilla is developed directly in Germany, there is an extensive country support, which goes beyond the classic alternatives English and German. A speech recognition and spelling correction system is also available to assist the support staff. In order to facilitate the contact with foreign customers, LiveZilla translates automatically sent text modules on request, which then arrive at the recipient in the preset language. This makes it easier especially for international companies and shops to deal with their customers and chat requests.

At the end of a completed chat LiveZilla will log it and save it. This allows you to review and analyze the quality of your support later. Other important features of LiveZilla include

- a support of the SSL certificate
- Interfaces between ticket and chat
- can be visually adapted to user requirements
- Multilingual and with integrated translation
- extensive FAQ
- individual settings for the support chat
- ready-made text modules
- Transmission and reception of annexes
- Possibility for conference call

If LiveZilla is used as support software, not only can individual employees/PCs be assigned, but also availability times can be set. So the customer gets an overview right from the start when the direct chat is available and/or if it is "closed" at the current time.

Also mobile support

The mobile support of the LiveZilla software provides even more flexibility. It has its own app for Apple's iOS as well as for the free Android operating system, in which elementary functions of the software can be called and executed. The app can also be used to process mobile chat and support requests. Apart from the mobile integration, the setup is very simple. Only MySQL and PHP must be present on the server to install LiveZilla in about 15 minutes time. After that, all functions can be used extensively.

Unfortunately the LiveZilla GmbH was liquidated. A new installation is therefore no longer possible.

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