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The domain extension .nf is the country-specific top-level domain of Norfolk Island, an island belonging to the territory of Australia, which is located south of New Caledonia and therefore east of Australia and north of New Zealand in the Pacific Ocean. The island was once discovered by the English navigator James Cook, who named it after Mary Howard, the Duchess of Norfolk, in 1774. The most important economic sector of the island is the tourism. Thereby, the island mainly supplies itself through the self cultivation of grain, fruits and vegetables as also the cattle breeding. But there are also many products that are exported from Australia.
Allocation guidelines of the domain extension
The .nf domain extension was launched on 18 March 1996 and is administered by Norfolk Island Data Services, with CoCCA from Auckland / Australia being responsible for the operational management. A domain address ending in .nf can be registered by any private person or company, even if they do not have a residence or company headquarters on the island.
Despite the very liberal allocation guidelines, only a few domain addresses with the ending .nf are registered. Most of the approximately 1,700 inhabitants of the island, some of whom are descendants of the Bounty mutineers, but also many immigrant Australians, New Zealanders and Polynesians, have good access to the WWW and maintain quite close contacts to the mainland, especially to relatives living there. There are also some official websites with the domain extension .nf, which are used by the representatives of the British Queen, who is officially the head of state of the island. Especially in the capital Kingston there is hardly a private household that does not use the WWW.
Even though the few inhabitants of the island make extensive use of the WWW, not all of them have registered a website with the domain ending .nf. From an international point of view, the importance of the domain ending is rather low.
Registration period of the domain
Minimum and maximum length
Transfer to the Premium Provider
Change of ownership (registrant)
Provider change possible
Whois update possible
Whois Privacy Protection
Name Server Update
Domain Expire (end of term)
Deletion immediately
Umlauts possible
Restore after deletion possible