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Desired domain extension is a synonym for seriousness
The domain extension .nl belongs to the group of country code Top Level Domains ( TLD ). The content of such a TLD is therefore primarily designed for the Dutch market. The country-specific domain extension .nl has a high recognition value, is a synonym for seriousness and promotes both awareness and accessibility of websites linked to the coveted top-level domain. The content of websites with the domain extension .nl is generally written in Dutch in order to perfectly address the target group. The coveted top-level domain belongs to the group of the most popular and secure country-specific domains worldwide.
The technical, organisational and structural administration of the .nl domains is the responsibility of the organisation SIDN with its head office in Arnhem. The intention of this renowned organisation is to promote digital networking in a targeted manner, to efficiently eliminate cybercrime and to make the Dutch domain extension as secure, powerful and progressive as is only possible in practice. In addition, SIDN manages all domains with the TLD .nl and controls the registration of such top-level domains. The organisation creates ideal conditions that ensure that users can register free domains at any time. Currently, the organisation manages more than 6 million such country code domains, which are explicitly tailored to the specific needs of the Dutch market.
May 1 of the calendar year 1986 marks the birth of the . nl TLD, which was the first country-code domain not designed for the US market. Since January 1996, the SIDN organisation has been managing the country-specific top-level domains, for which every citizen or company that targets the Dutch market with its website content has been able to register since 2003. The TLD .nl is the fifth largest country code top level domain in the world.
TLD for an economically powerful target group
The Netherlands belongs to the group of countries with one of the highest population densities in the world. According to this, around 17 million people live in an area that is smaller in size than the German state of Lower Saxony. The Netherlands belongs to the group of heavily urbanised countries, which are criss-crossed by a large number of urban agglomerations. In 2011, around 9 million people lived in the Dutch conurbations. The economically most important agglomeration centre in the country is located in the west of the Netherlands and is known as the "Deltametropool", which, like the Brussels-Antwerp-Gent, Paris, London and the Rhine-Ruhr region, is one of the economically most important agglomerations in north-western Europe.
Registration period of the domain
Minimum and maximum length
Transfer to the Premium Provider
Change of ownership (registrant)
Provider change possible
Whois update possible
Whois Privacy Protection
Name Server Update
Domain Expire (end of term)
Deletion immediately
Umlauts possible
Restore after deletion possible