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The domain extension .nz is the country-specific top-level domain from New Zealand, located in the southern Pacific Ocean. The east coast of Australia is located between 1530 and 2100 kilometers from the west coast of the two main islands of New Zealand. Until the first half of the 20th century an agricultural state, the country today also has some major industries. Today, tourism also plays a major role in the economic success of the country.
Allocation guidelines of the domain extension
The .nz domain extension for New Zealand was launched on 19 January 1987 and is administered by seven servers at InternetNZ Registry Services, based in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand. Initially, only third-level domain addresses were allocated. Since autumn 2013 it is also possible to register second-level domain addresses.
Domain addresses are registered under the ending .nz rege. For many New Zealanders, this is also a sign of identification with their home country, regardless of their origin. The domain extension is also used by numerous New Zealand companies that want to be present on the WWW for their customers and trading partners both nationally and internationally. The infrastructure in New Zealand is very well developed. Practically every one of the country's 4.7 million inhabitants, both those of Maori descendants and those of Europeans who came to the country in the 18th century, can use the WWW. Also many tourism companies that have their offers on New Zealand like to offer their accommodations and other products via internet with this domain extension.
From a national perspective, the .nz domain extension is very important, especially in terms of communication between businesses and consumers. The distances between the place of manufacture and the place of consumption are often long, even though New Zealand itself is not a very large country, with an area of 269,652 square kilometres. Road transport is the most important option for goods. Internationally, the domain extension .nz is of rather minor importance. New Zealand companies that also have an international presence choose a more international domain extension for their website.
Registration period of the domain
Minimum and maximum length
Transfer to the Premium Provider
Change of ownership (registrant)
Provider change possible
Whois update possible
Whois Privacy Protection
Name Server Update
Domain Expire (end of term)
Deletion immediately
Umlauts possible
Restore after deletion possible