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.sx belongs to the country of Sint Maarten.
The country-specific top-level domain of this country is no longer location-bound. You can now book this domain from Germany. It is important that the domain is used sensibly in order to strengthen and secure your own domain.
For users of this domain it is clear that they want to use the domain to distinguish themselves from a wide range of other domain holders. The domain is mainly used for the Caribbean Netherlands. This can already be deduced well from the name. The domain is assigned by the company SX Registry SA. It can even be booked online in this country. If you have found a provider who offers good prices for domains, you will certainly have the ending .sx in your offer. If this is not the case, you can switch to numerous other domains today and find out more about them. The domain is popular and can be set up perfectly. All this is happening online today. It is therefore not necessary to register directly in this country.
Sint Maarten belongs to the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It is a country located on the Caribbean island of St. Martin. More precisely, it can be found on the southern part of this island. The country belongs to the French overseas territory. Distinctive in this landscape are mainly lagoons but also salt pans. There are beautiful beaches and a holiday here is always worthwhile. Those who want to have a relaxing holiday and book it should definitely consider the island. The whole area looks picturesque and not at all suitable for the Caribbean. In the capital Philipsburg, there are mainly distinctive cobblestone streets. But beyond that, there is much more to see. A holiday in this area distinguishes every visitor as a colonial lover. It is worthwhile for the whole family and offers for every age exactly the highlight that one has hoped for from a vacation in the Caribbean. This holiday will certainly remain in your memory for a long time. St. Martin can be visited during a cruise. Here you are welcome to inform yourself about the domain extension .tc and the country and its people. Fun is guaranteed in any case.
Registration period of the domain
Minimum and maximum length
Transfer to the Premium Provider
Change of ownership (registrant)
Provider change possible
Whois update possible
Whois Privacy Protection
Name Server Update
Domain Expire (end of term)
Deletion immediately
Umlauts possible
Restore after deletion possible