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The domain extension .tf is the country-specific top-level domain of the French Southern and Antarctic Territories. This territory comprises the Kerguelen Archipelago, but also the islands of Amsterdam and Saint Paul as well as the Crozet Islands and the Adélieland and Îles Éparses. The membership of Adélieland in this territory has not yet been recognised on the basis of the Antarctic Treaty. France exercises in this territory only on the basis of the provisions of the Antarctic Treaty. With the exception of Îles Éparses, all areas of the territory are located in the Indian Ocean, more precisely southeast of Africa. Îles Éparses is located near Madagascar, but domains with the domain extension .tf are also used there.
Procurement guidelines and use
Domains with the domain extension .tf for the French Southern and Antarctic Territories can be registered since August 26, 1997. The domains are administered by AFNIC.
Such a domain can be used by any company or any private person with a registered office or residence in a member state of the EU, Iceland, Norway, Lichtenstein and Switzerland. Such domains are mainly registered by researchers, their sponsors, universities and companies that have an interest in researching these areas. The territory of the French Southern and Antarctic Territories has no permanent or permanent residents who have registered a residence there. There are usually 150 to 200 researchers per year who work, research and live in four Antarctic and sub-Antarctic research stations. During the summer months, there are usually twice as many researchers who stay in the territory of the French Southern and Antarctic Territories than during the hard and cold winter months. However, there is no period of the year when the four Antarctic and sub-Antarctic research stations are not occupied. Some of the .tf domains are certainly also assigned to the occupation of the military bases on three of the Îles Éparses. A use of this domain extension for their website is also possible for the three-man civilian crew on Tromelin.
The importance of this domain ending is very small. There are very few economic relationships in the world. The researchers who are in the territory use the domains mainly to share research results or to use the WWW also for communication with their clients and financiers.
.tf domains can be registered for any (legal) purpose by companies and private individuals who have their residence or company headquarters in an EU member state, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway.
Registration period of the domain
Minimum and maximum length
Transfer to the Premium Provider
Change of ownership (registrant)
Provider change possible
Whois update possible
Whois Privacy Protection
Name Server Update
Domain Expire (end of term)
Deletion immediately
Umlauts possible
Restore after deletion possible