The term virtualization seems a bit geeky for some people who are not too computer savvy, maybe even a bit daunting. That this is not the case at all, and what Advantages to you e.g. through the free and easy to use Software VirtualBox is discussed in the following article.

What is a virtual machine?

A virtual machine is a completely separate and individual interface (guest) with its own operating system installation, while you can continue to use the usual pre-installed operating system (host). Specifically, the VirtualBox program developed by Oracle does the work of a virtualization application, i.e. the possibility to install one or even several guest operating systems on the existing host operating system, such as Windows, Mac, Linux or Solaris, and use them simultaneously like normal applications. This works because VirtualBox uses the resources of the host and thus provides the guest system with a self-defined share.

Cloud Computing UsersWhat are the advantages of VirtualBox?

First of all, there is the obvious advantage that several operating systems can be used independently of each other in the same way as normal Software can walk. Of course, this opens up the possibility of using programs from different operating systems on only one PC by virtualizing the necessary user interface needed for the application. This can be used, for example, if you would like to change systems but do not have equivalent programs for the new environment or do not want to invest in new software because the old software was only usable for the old operating system. VirtualBox allows you to choose a 'favorite' operating system and continue to use your old software by emulating the old interface. Please note, however, that for a seamless transition between host and guest, e.g. for the use of USB interfaces etc., you should install the so-called Extension Pack of VirtualBox.

You can also use a virtual machine as a test system after the virtual machines are installed. Hard disks can be formatted, saved and copied as desired. Furthermore, with the so-called 'snapshot' function, a machine can be temporarily stored at any time. This way you can experiment with software or the system without any risk. Even if you are afraid that the system might collapse under normal circumstances due to malware or a virus, you can easily access a previously backed up copy of your system and restore it to your virtual machine. Unlike a bootable system that can be booted from startup, this prevents the system from having to be rebuilt in case of a critical error.

Are there disadvantages?

Cloud Software UsersHowever, when running a virtual machine through VirtualBox, your host might be slower depending on how much processing power your PC or Mac and Linux have available. Furthermore, it cannot be excluded that the host or the virtual machine will behave unstable, which means that it may crash under certain circumstances, especially if you want to use performance-hungry applications. It should also be mentioned that a virtual interface is of course never as efficient as a single, individual PC. Despite some improvements and a more efficient design of virtualization technology, you have to keep in mind that the host system is still running in the background and therefore performance is 'lost'. This also includes attempts to use visually performance-hungry software, i.e. 3D gaming, because a virtual machine cannot fully access the host system's graphics card. Nevertheless, check your PC's boot settings to see if any settings are enabled for more efficient support, as almost all modern CPUs offer hardware acceleration, so you can get the virtual interface to run faster, use more than one core per CPU, and even install 64-bit guest operating systems. On many PCs sold by retailers, such features are disabled by default.


VirtualBox is an easy to use and versatile software and is in no way inferior to other commercial solutions for virtual machines. With its large developer community and numerous extensions, the software offers you an optimal, modern and constantly evolving virtualization technology that will give you a lot of fun when testing and experimenting with new operating systems and applications.

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