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The domain extension .gd is the country-specific top-level domain of the island state Grenada, an island state belonging to the Lesser Antilles and the "Islands above the Wind" in the Caribbean Sea. Grenada is also an independent member state of the Commonwealth of Nations, as it has been a crown colony of the British Empire since 1877.
Award criteria of the domain extension
This domain extension was launched on June 3, 1992 and is administered by the Grenada-based National Telecommunications Authority. At first the domain extension was not in operation. Only in April 2007 was the administration handed over to a company called AdamNames. This company was responsible for technical support until spring 2013. In the meantime, the German company KSregistry from Saarland has taken over the support. Only second-level domains are assigned under .gd. There are no special restrictions for the registration of a domain name under the ending .gd. This means that every natural and legal person can register a domain name under .gd. A residence or company headquarters or a branch office on the island is not necessary for this.
The infrastructure on Grenada is quite well developed. This is true for the health care system as well as for the telephone network and finally for the tourist infrastructure. Because the main source of income is tourism and at the same time the biggest employer on the island. There are a large number of hotels on the island and many touristically attractive beaches. Also cruise passengers come to the island for day trips. But the approximately 107.000 inhabitants of Grenada have only limited access to the WWW. The interest in a domain with the ending .gd is therefore only interesting for companies that are resident or have a branch office here. This is especially true for companies in the tourism industry and companies dealing with the island's export commodity, nutmeg. There are three large nutmeg factories on the island.
The importance of the domain ending .gd is very small. This applies both nationally and internationally.
Registration period of the domain
Minimum and maximum length
Transfer to the Premium Provider
Change of ownership (registrant)
Provider change possible
Whois update possible
Whois Privacy Protection
Name Server Update
Domain Expire (end of term)
Deletion immediately
Umlauts possible
Restore after deletion possible