web hosting


.compare domain

register cheaply in the webhosting price comparison

from 64.00€ per year including 19% VAT

Meaning and history

Comparing prices, but also comparing the quality of a product or service is more important today than ever. This is quite a time-consuming activity, if you want or have to laboriously compare every price of every similar product with each other. After all, you do not want to spend so much money on a product or a service, if you actually do not have to, that is, if there is a cheaper offer.


Already with the beginning of the Internet age in the mid-1990s, comparison portals appeared. Because little by little, companies wishing to advertise discovered that the WWW was obviously a platform of the future. Admittedly, these were only small things at first. Later on, there were comparison portals in all kinds of areas, such as insurance, products, etc. While in this country the comparison portals tend to use the country-top-level domain and always have the term "comparison" in the domain name, comparison portals in the English-speaking world use the domain extension .compare. This is a globally understandable term. The top-level domain can also be used for shopping sites. For these, too, the domain extension is a precise representation of the range of services.


The significance of the domain extension .compare is not particularly high in German-speaking countries. It is a designation that is not so common in Germany. In the English-speaking world, which is not only limited to Great Britain or the USA, the importance of the domain extension .compare is somewhat greater. Especially the British are considered to be very thrifty and like to compare offers before they decide to buy a product. And price comparison also plays a major role in the USA. Americans tend to buy foreign products rather than products made in the USA, even if these should be somewhat cheaper in some cases. Internationally, however, the domain extension is rather insignificant, since only a few domains are registered on the domain extension .compare.

Special features of the domain extension


Registration period of the domain

The registration of a .compare domain usually takes a few hours

Minimum and maximum length

1 - 63 characters

Transfer to the Premium Provider

Change of ownership (registrant)

Provider change possible

Whois update possible

Whois Privacy Protection

Name Server Update

Domain Expire (end of term)

Deletion immediately

Umlauts possible

Restore after deletion possible

A reactivation is possible within the first 30 days after deletion (99 € incl. 19 % VAT)

Forms and conditions

The terms and conditions for .compare domains can be found in our overview.
