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.country domain

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from 54.00€ per year including 19% VAT

Meaning and history

Where does a town end and the country begin? This cannot be clearly delimited by the place name signs. Many cities are located in rural regions, but are not as densely populated as large cities. The fact is that about 77 percent of the people live in cities or in the metropolitan areas where the urban infrastructure is not far away, but only 15 percent live in villages that are smaller than 5000 inhabitants. People in the countryside are very proud of the region in which they live. Even though especially in the countryside the infrastructure is not so well developed, there is a whole range of offers that are only available in the countryside. Tourism plays a major role here. There are numerous country hotels, but also animal parks and festivals that are typical of rural life.

Allocation and use

In order to emphasize once again that it is a country offer, companies, but also musicians, bands and hotels as well as restaurants can use the domain extension .country for themselves. In this case, it is a self-explanatory, internationally understandable and search engine optimized domain extension or, in its entirety, a very good web address. The registry Minds + Machines Limited is responsible for the registration of domains with the domain extension .country. There are no special conditions to register such a domain address. This domain extension can be used by regions, cities, but also by individual companies.


The domain extension .country has a special meaning especially for companies that want to draw attention to their special rural ties. This is because the domain extension .country clearly indicates that this company is not based in a city, but in a rural area. It is precisely such companies that ultimately need the support of such a meaningful domain extension, because many rural regions are not very well developed in terms of infrastructure. Unfortunately, this applies to many rural regions in Germany.

Special features of the domain extension


Registration period of the domain

The registration of a .country domain name usually takes a few hours

Minimum and maximum length

2 - 63 characters

Transfer to the Premium Provider

Change of ownership (registrant)

Provider change possible

Whois update possible

Whois Privacy Protection

Name Server Update

Domain Expire (end of term)

Deletion immediately

Umlauts possible

Restore after deletion possible

A reactivation is possible within the first 30 days after deletion (99 € incl. 19 % VAT)

Forms and conditions

The terms and conditions for .country domains can be found in our overview.
