Facebook marketing for hosting providers

Numerous Web host don't have it easy. Although the service offer is right, the customers stay away. Customers want to be won over and retained permanently. Various tactics are suitable for this. Numerous web hosters fail above all due to a lack of Marketing. In doing so, modern media provides numerous, free ways to market yourself effectively. Probably one of the best ways to market yourself is the Facebook The social network makes it possible to gain fans, stay in touch with them and build a positive corporate image. The social network makes it possible to gain fans, stay in contact with them and build a positive corporate image.

Facebook Marketing for Webhosters: Free, effective and successful

With Facebook Marketing, web hosters can build up an enormously large customer base. The social network enjoys interesting news articles, which are geliked and shared by users. The clientele automatically increases. The own company can be called by regular postings again and again in the consciousness or subconscious of the users. In addition, there is the possibility to build up a serious and attractive corporate image, which is difficult to achieve via websites in this form. The social network has become one of the most popular media for online marketing for several companies in the past years.

Nevertheless, a look at the existing hosters reveals that not all companies fully exploit the seemingly endless possibilities. There are many reasons for this behaviour. For one, many hosters are not aware of the potential the network offers. On the other hand, many companies have a great fear of possible denunciations and "shitstorms". The lack of attention to the obligations and possibilities or the pure ignorance of the possibilities themselves prevents many web hosters from establishing efficient Facebook marketing.

The time factor is often misjudged: the maintenance of a website is not particularly time-consuming and also not connected with many legal obligations. For many web hosters the establishment of a website seems to be a difficult obstacle. But this is not difficult at all: Just upload a banner and create some information - and your Facebook presence is ready!

Winning fans and keeping old customers "on the bar

After the establishment of an own appearance the first fans for the site should be found. This can be done either through commercial Facebook campaigns or word-of-mouth propaganda. The effort involved in finding fans should be kept within limits. First of all, employees, friends and acquaintances can be invited and asked to share the appearance. In the next step, content should be shared regularly (about every two to three days). The effort is not only worth it because of the fans.

An active fan page with many visitors and regular contributions is recognized by Google, so that the ranking of the internet presence is considerably improved. Since the latest Google update, an active fan page is considered an important ranking factor. A better positioning at Google automatically leads to more visitors and contract conclusions. In the end, turnover and profit increase. And if critics do come to light on the fan page, it might be worth discussing with them. Such discussions are usually viewed by many people and a factual and friendly answer to the questions can considerably improve the reputation and standing of webhosts.

Content on Facebook

Web hosters who actively advertise on Facebook should consider carefully what content they share. Purely promotional articles are usually not viewed very positively, which is why a healthy mix of different article forms should be used. The number of visitors to Facebook automatically increases when attractive and interesting articles are posted. These are shared by existing fans, which automatically generates new users. In addition to purely informative articles, occasional articles with special offers or references to new services can be posted. These are no longer negatively noticed in the mass of informative articles and are even viewed with interest. With well thought-out Facebook marketing, you can Web host positively and in the best case profit from rising revenues. Irrespective of this, the establishment on Facebook is worthwhile simply because of the improvement of the Facebook ranking and the corporate image.

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