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The domain extension .lt is valid for Lithuania.
However, this domain extension .lt is no longer exclusively assigned to people in Lithuania. It is also bookable in this country. The administration of the domain extension is in the hands of the Kaunas University of Technology.
Lithuania is usually a country for lovers. Here you pay with the Euro and Lithuanian is spoken. The country is one of the three Baltic states that belong to Europe. It is a former Soviet Republic. It borders geographically on Poland and Latvia and Belarus. Lithuania's capital is Vilnius. There is a great medieval old town, which gives a great feeling. A vacation in Lithuania is perfectly planable in summer. In the winter months the area is simply too cold and it is not really fun to explore anything. The area offers a lot of great buildings. For example the cathedral in the capital is worth seeing. It is from the 18th century. It was built on the site of a former pagan temple. There are of course nice and open-minded people here, who are open and cordial towards people. The stay promises to be perfect in any case. Of course you should plan it better in advance by thorough research on the Internet. It is best to choose websites with the ending .lt. This will put every holidaymaker in the right zone.
However, the country code .lt is not only reserved for websites from Lithuania. Meanwhile you can book the abbreviation from all countries of the world. This has created an openness that more and more people have taken advantage of. This country is great and it is known for all kinds of sights. A stay pays off in any case. Especially good is that you can plan a family holiday here. Your holiday will certainly be remembered and you will want to return to this country. The country can be visited by plane. Those who want to plan a holiday should have a look at a good route beforehand.
.lt-domains can be ordered by anyone for any legal purpose.companies have to provide their commercial register number when registering Latvian domains, which you can find in the "My Data" section of your portfolio.
Registration period of the domain
Minimum and maximum length
Transfer to the Premium Provider
Change of ownership (registrant)
Provider change possible
Whois update possible
Whois Privacy Protection
Name Server Update
Domain Expire (end of term)
Deletion immediately
Umlauts possible
Restore after deletion possible