SSHFS: Mount partition of a remote system via SSH

Mount remote files locally

This little guide describes the easy way to mount files from another system as a partition. This simplifies the daily work enormously, because you can quickly and easily find and copy the appropriate files in e.g. a backup partition.

What we need is FUSE (filesystem in userspace) and SSHFS. This is available under Centos7 in the EPEL repository.

If it is not yet installed, you can install it with

yum install epel-release

install and use.

Installation of fuse and sshfs

yum install fuse sshfs

Load FUSE module

fashion sample fuse

Optional: Load FUSE module on restart

echo "modprobe fuse" >> /etc/rc.local


Once the module is loaded we can use sshfs. To do this we simply type the following command:

sshfs username@hostname:/path_to_directory /local_directory

for instance

sshfs root@ /safe

Alternatively, an NFS should be used if necessary. This option shown is useful for quick occasional editing of files on another system.

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