Unique content for blogs (always write texts individually, Google Panda update etc.)

Like everywhere else in life, the principle that high quality is an advantage and inferior quality is punished in the long run is also valid for the Internet. No matter whether blog, website or online shop: With high-quality text content, good positions in the ranking of search engines can be achieved permanently. Regardless of this, new customers or users are only generated if the text content on websites is attractively designed. A simple copy of texts leads to disinterest, legal problems and a bad search engine ranking. The principle that quality pays off still applies!

Need for unique content for blog operators

No matter whether blog operator, online shop or conventional website: Successful text content is probably one of the most important criteria of an Internet presence. Blogs are only successful if they can offer interesting content. Users reach new websites primarily via search engines. Therefore the ranking of blogs must be accordingly good. If "duplicate content" is present, i.e. text content that exists more than once, the ranking of blogs and websites is downgraded. Duplicate content is problematic from a legal point of view - but much more important is the punishment by search engines like Google. These are based on an algorithm with which Internet pages are searched specifically. Google knows that only blogs with unique selling points are of interest. Blogs and Internet pages with texts that are present in the Internet thousands of times over have no distinguishing features and are located somewhere in the dreary middle. In the worst case a blog can be banned from the search engine index because of duplicate content.

Unique content in the focus of search engines

Unique text content enables simple and successful differentiation. Text content must meet the requirements of search engines and additionally bind readers to itself. The implementation of Keywords is of particular relevance. Each text should be provided with keywords or word combinations that are related to the target audience. For example, if your target group is looking for the keyword "buy mobile phone", you should place this keyword several times in the text. The frequency of the keyword is a balancing act. If this occurs too often, the website as Spam classified. If the keyword occurs too rarely, it will not be classified correctly. Regardless of the keyword density, it is of particular importance to place the word combinations in prominent places in the text. Suitable places are the first sentences of paragraphs, the headlines and sub-headlines. High search engine rankings can only be achieved by using unique text content that is optimized for keywords. In addition, link building that is aligned with the respective keywords is recommended. Unique content can usually be created by anyone who knows a little about editorial topics and has excellent spelling and grammar. Text from original sources can be reworded to create unique topic content. However, quotes or verbatim passages must be copied verbatim. It is important that the created text content fits thematically to the website. Search engines find out quite quickly in which subject area websites specialize.

Quality is King!

No matter whether shop operator or owner of online shops: Text content should never be taken over from other websites. This also applies if product texts from the manufacturer are available. In the past, it was not uncommon for manufacturers to sue their resellers for having adopted text content. Regardless of legal problems and downgrading in search engines, texts can be used excellently for self-marketing. With an appealing writing style and stylistic elements, a website can be given a personal touch, through which the offered services or products appear in a sympathetic light. In the past, it was sufficient to write unique texts and provide them with keywords. Nowadays it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the text content. In 2011, Google released its Panda update, with which extensive changes to the ranking algorithm were implemented. The filter downgrades websites with bad text content. Google can detect whether texts have been provided with high-quality words or have only been optimized for search engines. The quality of text content has therefore become increasingly important. With the constant advances in technology, the quality of text will continue to gain importance in the future.

Avoid duplicate content and benefit from advantages

Search engines attach particular importance to the provision of relevant content. Search engines are only used when they can offer their users real added value, i.e. when they can distinguish important from unimportant websites. The source that provided a text first is preferred in the ranking, i.e. Google recognizes which website uploaded a text first. The copied content that is made available on other URLs is removed from the search index. Good text content can be protected by website operators and bloggers by simple methods. The copyright issue is not taken very seriously by many users. People who have invested enormous sums of money in the creation of high-quality content are annoyed by this behaviour. Unfortunately it cannot be prevented. But duplicates can be found easily. Subsequently, claims for injunction and damages can be asserted. Of course nobody is able to check all websites on the internet for duplicates. But there are service providers and tools with which the Internet can be searched for duplicates automatically and permanently. The checking of text content costs only a few cents. As soon as plagiarism is detected, the responsible person (imprint) should be contacted immediately. If the injunction is not followed, a lawyer can be engaged. Any reminder and lawyer's fees as well as claims for damages must be borne by the defendant.

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