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vu-domain Domain

.vu domain

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Meaning and history

The domain extension .vu is the country-specific top-level domain Vanuatu, an island state in the Pacific Ocean which consists of 83 islands and island groups. In 1980 the island state became the British-French condominium New Hebrides, after these islands had been under its administration for 74 years. The islands that belong to Vanuatu are located in the South Pacific and belong to Melanesia. 67 of the 83 islands are inhabited, whereby the Banks and Torres Islands are also part of the island state. The islands are all of volcanic origin. Volcanoes are still active on some of the islands. The domain extension .vu was launched on April 10, 1995, almost 15 years after the Independence from the British-French Condominium New Hebrides. Domains with this extension are administered by Telecom Vanuatu.

User group

The domain extension .vu is used by numerous companies from the tourism sector, which makes the island world of Vanuatu truly unique. There are many lonely beaches and remote deserted islands. However, mass tourism does not prevail in the resorts there. And yet Vanuatu is an important tourist region in the South Pacific. Another group of users who have registered one or the other website under the domain extension .vu are companies from the financial sector. The island state is also a popular offshore financial centre. The inhabitants of the islands also have the opportunity to connect to the whole world thanks to the low-cost Internet, even in the predominantly rural villages and regions of the islands, and to exchange information with the whole world by registering a domain with the ending .vu. Foreign companies can also register.


The registry assigns domains for the domain extension .vu only to second-level domains. From an international perspective, the domain ending is of rather minor importance, even though the island state is a rather well-known financial centre. On a national level, however, the domain ending plays a rather large role. Foreign companies need the domain extension .vu for their websites to reach the online market of Vanuatu.

Special features of the domain extension


Registration period of the domain

The registration of a .vu domain usually takes 1 day

Minimum and maximum length

3 - 63 characters

Transfer to the Premium Provider

Change of ownership (registrant)

Provider change possible

Whois update possible

Whois Privacy Protection

Name Server Update

Domain Expire (end of term)

Deletion immediately

Umlauts possible

Restore after deletion possible

Forms and conditions

The terms and conditions for the allocation of .vu domains can be found in our overview.
