What is a domain name / internet address?

A domain is your personal address on the web

You are planning the development of your web presence, therefore you want to choose a domain? You do not know what this technical term means? In the following article we will explain to you in a short and understandable form what is meant by the term domain/internet address.

The domain - your desired address in the World Wide Web

The domain is the address at which your internet presence can be reached on the net. It consists of the part before the . and the ending. As an example www.ihrefirma.de is mentioned here. The ending of the Internet address (part after the dot) is the most important.

Differences between Top Level Domains and Second Level Domains

The ending .er Internet address, for example .de or .com is called Top Level Domain. It tells you whether your web presence is mainly in a certain country (the ending .de stands for Germany) or whether your website is used commercially (.com). If your homepage information purposes, the ending .info is a good choice. Since the new top level domains have become available, you can use the ending, for example "aquaristik", to narrow down even more specifically which topics you deal with on your website.

digital thingsThe second level domain is the text in front of the dot, if it is not yet assigned to a user, you may determine this text yourself. You can select the text, for example, according to the content of your Internet presence. It can contain your company name, your personal name or a topic such as "my aquariums". In combination with the corresponding top level domain, each internet address is unique on the net. You can find out whether your desired name is still available through a domain check. If your desired domain is already assigned, you will be shown alternative suggestions for selection. The procedure by which domains are allocated worldwide is a unique process. The rules are explicitly defined by the NIC (registry of the respective top-level domain).

Benefits and advantages of your personal Internet address

Now that you know what a domain actually is, you can successfully use your internet address for your web project. First think about a meaningful domain name. The visitors of your internet presence should be able to remember it easily. Optimally, your internet address should already tell you what contents can be found on your homepage. For business use, an own domain is absolutely necessary: It stands for trustworthiness and professionalism.

A domain is also part of your e-mail address

Not only if you use your website for business purposes, your domain is also a fixed part of your e-mail address. Since a domain that matches your internet presence always looks more professional and serious than a domino from a third-party provider, you should take this fact into account when choosing your e-mail address. With most web hosting offers, one or more e-mail addresses with the name of the provider are already included in the tariff.

Change of a registered domain name

You have already registered a domain some time ago and want to replace it with a more meaningful one? In this case a so-called domain transfer is recommended. Sell your old domain and then register your new desired domain.

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