Writing a product review - this is how affiliate marketing works

For recommendation marketing or also Affiliate Marketing includes recommending products to your website visitors. They should be convinced by the information they get that they are choosing the right product when they buy it through your link.

Different commission for different products

The task of a good affiliate marketer is therefore to inform the user so comprehensively that he buys the product via the link offered. Without any disadvantage for the user, the affiliate marketer then receives a commission and depending on the product, this can even be quite high.
If you sell goods such as books, DVDs, televisions, etc. you will receive a commission of 5-8%, depending on the affiliate program. If you offer digital products, the commission can quickly reach 40 - 60%, because the manufacturer has no further costs and once the product is created, it only needs to be made available for download.

The product review

No matter what type of product you choose or whether you maybe even want to use both on your website it is important that you inform your reader comprehensively in a so-called product review.
Because only then will he click on your affiliate link at the end of the text and order the product. A good product review should meet several criteria. First of all, it should be detailed. Please take your time to write your product review as detailed as possible. If you spend eight hours a day at your Business and write only one really good product review in those eight hours, you'll do everything right. This is not only because this product review will earn you money forever - or at least as long as the product exists.
The more time you spend and the more information you gather, the more your reader will be inclined to read the review to the end and click on the link provided. After all, he wants to be fully informed about the perhaps even high-priced product before he makes a purchase decision.
The product you are promoting should meet some criteria:

1. the product should cost more than EUR 150

If you sell books or DVDs, this will of course not be the case. But you should be aware that you will receive about 5% per sale (depending on the platform this can of course be more or less). So you will earn 7.50 EUR on the sale of a product of 150 EUR.

2. the product should have at least 20 ratings

It is much easier to sell a product if buyers have already left a rating and it is positive. This supports your opinion about the product.

3. the product should have an average rating of 4 to 5 stars

At Amazon, buyers can leave a review of the product. They do this often and sometimes even in detail. If the buyer's rating is good, you will have a much easier time selling the product.

4. information

It is also important that you find a lot of information about the product. You can find this both on the manufacturer's website and on the product pages of large online shops such as Amazon. Of course, Google can also help here. It's just important to know if you can find enough information before you start writing the review.

5. positive assessments

At Amazon, reviews from other interested parties are always displayed directly below the product as particularly helpful ratings. Make sure that these reviews are positive. After all, they were marked as helpful.

How is a good product review structured?

A good product review captivates the reader. In the best case you start with a short story about the product or your experience with it. You do not necessarily have to own the product to do this. You can also tell how you obtained information to make your own purchase decision.
It doesn't matter which story you choose, the important thing is that it entertains your reader. That's what makes your review different from any other.
If you are looking for sober facts, you can also go to Amazon or any other online shop and you will find what you are looking for there. But if you want to know why you should choose this product and no other, you will come to you.
You should never lie to your reader and thus to potential customers. Always tell the truth about whether you own the product and have tested it yourself, whether you were perhaps allowed to try it on a friend and why you ultimately want to own it yourself. Honesty is trumps. Nothing is worse in private or business life than being caught in a lie. In the end, it destroys the trust that potential customers have built up in you. So you harm yourself.
Of course, there will not be a story for every product. But maybe you read one that made you smile? Tell it in your own words.

Research the details

As soon as you have managed to get started, the details will start. Do your research well. You have already chosen the product because you know that there is a lot of information about it. Read the information well and clarify any technical terms additionally. If you are not familiar with the term, it is very likely that your readers will also have a problem with it. Therefore: Go one step further and explain the term. This will give your reader added value.

First-time customerOffer more

Maybe it would be a good idea to include a table in your product description and compare different models. This way your readers can see at a glance whether the product is the right one or whether they need a different model.
In your product review you can also include questions that interested parties have asked about the product. For example, questions from customers or interested parties are often listed under the product, for example at Amazon.
Of course, the same applies here: Don't write it off. Of course you can also rephrase the information or quote a customer. These questions also give your customer added value.

The summary

Give a short summary before you ask the customer to click on your link. After all your research: Do you now recommend the product unconditionally or are there some aspects you should pay attention to as a potential customer? Here too - be honest. Of course, if you have to mention too many negative criteria, the question arises whether you can still get your reader to click on your link at all.

The title

At the very end you should write the title and metadata of your review. Because the title and a small teaser text is what the reader sees in the search engines before he clicks on your link and lands on your website.
Therefore try to put yourself in the reader's place. When would you click? Then probably your reader will click too.


Writing a product review is not difficult but complex. Of course, a little practice is required here as well. But once you have written a few reviews, they will be much easier for you. As an affiliate marketer, a good product review is the product you are selling and therefore it should be as good as possible.
As already said at the beginning of the text: Take your time and write only one review per day, but write it in detail and well researched - just as your reader would like.
The more you work as an affiliate marketer in the interest of your readers, the more sales you will generate. Because today and in 20 years time it will be true that the one who provides his readers with the best information will rank at the top of the search engines. A well-researched text helps you as much as it does your readers.

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