The term design, which has become iconic, means the formal and functional external shaping, which is based on a definite materialized result, whereby intellectual aspects, which can contribute to the creation of a certain object or an object, must be emphasized and taken into account. A plausible instrument that duly takes this emphasis into account is specifically offered by the domain extension .design.
The linguistic-historical roots of this term begin in the Latin verb designare, to represent in outline, to draw, to designate by representation. In the context of art history, a form of the term comes to the fore in the Italian designo for drawing, pattern, plan or design and becomes the central term of Renaissance art theory in Italy in the academic debating world of Florence.
In the first period, the formulation passes through phases of change of meaning in terms of content, culminating in a definition, in disegno encounter intellectual capacity and the practical skills of an artist, which certify him the dual understanding of a principle in which idea and execution are fixed in the same sense.
The completion and definitive culmination of the linguistic-historical change manifests itself in the English word design and in the French dessin and means design or draft. In more recent times, the German language has also adopted the word design.
The functional purpose of design, to be the basis and origin of the arts, is equally important for the creative aspect of an artist as it is for the designer. The domain extension, which is accompanied by the everlasting change of meaning and contributes to a strong emotionalization of this term, finally updates both intentions.
. design is generic, thus not assigned to any country, and lends itself to an elegant appearance that is equally aware of art-historical aspects and the requirements of the present.
This ending represents a mental faculty and can build a bridge to the world of aesthetics in the present frame of reference.
Uncomplicated and finely advertised, it nevertheless opens up the sphere of the beautiful, the unobtrusive world in which innovation, usefulness and the quiet order of things are subject to continuous change.
Registration period of the domain
Minimum and maximum length
Transfer to the Premium Provider
Change of ownership (registrant)
Provider change possible
Whois update possible
Whois Privacy Protection
Name Server Update
Domain Expire (end of term)
Deletion immediately
Umlauts possible
Restore after deletion possible