How to manage pages in WordPress?

After the first steps in WordPress are done, the pages should also be managed. Some find this superfluous, but it can be important. Especially if a home page and an imprint should be created. However, this is not difficult in WordPress.

Create pages in WordPress

During the first tests in WordPress it is not clear at first why the pages should be edited or managed. But of course there is a good reason for this, especially if a homepage or an imprint is desired. Then this is important, whereby this, like everything else, can easily be done in WordPress. Of course, only if everything is done right here, that is, if someone is a little busy with it. To create such a so-called static page, simply select the button Pages. Exactly this button is also important for the administration of pages, because here also such static pages can be administrated easily and quickly. However, you don't have to click on the button Create as you would for Page Setup, but simply select all pages. An overview of all existing pages will then appear directly. Already in this overview the first settings can be made, such as creating a new page. In addition, the status of each page is displayed, i.e. whether it has already been published. If a page has already been published, then it can be viewed by everyone, just as it can be registered and displayed by the search engines. But this overview offers even more, a page can be marked and deleted. Of course this is not the only option, but the page can also be edited, viewing it is just as easy as moving the marked page. These are still not all the possibilities that WordPress offers in this overview.

PermalinksEdit Permalink or Title

This can be done via the Quick Menu, which can be important for the title. Because sometimes typos creep in that can be corrected so quickly. This also applies to the permalink, of course, which is so easy and very fast. In the Quick Menu you can also change the date of publication, just as it is possible to set a password for the page. This way the page can only be viewed by certain people, at least until the password has been passed on. Another possibility is that a so-called parent page can be created. This is always important if someone offers certain services. So every service that is offered can be described on one page. So a table of contents can be defined here, where all services are listed. The order in which they are listed can be determined by the user. Here too, each user is free with WordPress, so that the order of the pages can be changed. It does not matter how many pages are created, as long as they are always clearly arranged. This can be done via the menu at any time, if the order has to be changed. In addition, it can be important for a service that customers leave a comment. Of course it is best to leave only positive comments. Therefore, this setting can also be made here. Just as well if only certain persons may see the page. Even if a page has already been published by mistake, this can be reversed at any time.

Customize view easily

This is also possible, so that everyone can design this individually. To do this, simply click on the Customize View button at the top of the screen. Here, everyone can determine what is to be displayed. This can be for example the date, the author or the comments. But this is not the end of the story, because Press, also offers help with the creation of the different static pages. If this should be for example the imprint, there is an extra text editor. On the right side is an overview, i.e. whether the page has already been published or not yet. If it has not been published yet, it will be saved as a draft. So everyone can take the time to fill the page with the right content. This also allows you to change the status of the page, for example from published to private. If the page is set to private, it can no longer be viewed. In the same way it is not recognized by the search engines and therefore not displayed. If the page should not be published immediately, it can also be changed. Just change it here and enter the appropriate date. So everyone has the time of the publication always firmly under control. Then there is the possibility to define certain attributes, with which the page can be added to an already existing Category can be assigned. Of course, the order should then also be determined immediately, if the main page is also the table of contents. The management of pages in WordPress is thus very simple and clear. Exactly what bloggers have always wanted. Clear and straightforward are then also the functions, although a little experimentation is always possible.

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