Assigning keywords in WordPress correctly

If you have keywords for each Blog post you can set up the search function on your blog and your readers will find posts they want to read faster via the search function. However, keywords are nothing else than keywords that you also need for search engine optimization (SEO). You can't even imagine a blog without the SEO. If you want to gain more readers, you also need to be present on the top ranks in the search engines. This is only possible if you optimize your blog with keywords for the search engines, among other things. In WordPress you can manage the keywords with plugins, among other things, so that you can find and change them if necessary.

What is the meaning of keywords?

Keywords are called tags in English. You can write tags for each post, but you don't have to. However, you cannot avoid using keywords as soon as you have a search function on your website offer or want to optimize your blog for the search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and Co. In order for search engines to index your posts, they read the tags you assign to your posts on your blog. If a user enters a keyword in Google that is frequently used on your website, your website will rank higher. Of course, other things are important for search engine optimization. But you should not neglect the tags in any case and even more make sure that you manage the keywords sensibly.

KeywordsKeywords should not be confused with categories. Categories belong to the menu and subdivide posts by topic. Keywords can always be assigned in large numbers for each post. Of course, keywords are also selected by topic, but they are used for search queries. These are individual keywords that can be used to search for matching contributions. If you write a website about cooking, the categories could be "Veganes", "With meat", "With exotic fruits". You can assign keywords such as chicken, organic, gluten-free, mango, spicy, better digestion, etc. to match the post you are writing. Keywords are therefore nouns as well as adjectives and verbs.

Manage keywords in the post

Each time you write a post, you can assign one or more keywords. If you are writing a post on WordPress, you can enter a number of keywords in the right bar under Keywords.

Managing keywords in the dashboard

You can manage your keywords even better in the dashboard by going to Posts in the menu bar and then to KEYWORDS. Here you are in the keyword management. First of all, you can only enter the keywords and the corresponding permalink. Then you can enter a description for each keyword. In addition, you can delete and edit keywords here and view them in a list. The function "QuickEdit" offers you the possibility to edit keywords quickly and specifically and the corresponding permalinks.

Assign good keywords

Keyword management helps you to collect, sort and link the keywords you have once used. If you can't think of suitable keywords, you can look them up in the list and see which words you already use. Because it is not enough to maintain the keyword list if you do not use it regularly in your posts. The keywords are there to help you identify your posts and your blog as a whole. That's why you should be as precise as possible. You should also not use different spellings. Without keywords, a post is not complete, and with too many keywords, the post is not in order. 3 to 5 tags are sufficient for each post. Find out how users search or might search for your blog content. See what keywords are in vogue that match your topic and use them. Because if the keyword you use is frequently entered into Google, your blog can help you get a higher ranking than without it.

Use plug-ins to manage

Also plugins, small programs that add some functions to WordPress, can be used to manage keywords. A useful plugin is the Term Management Tools. With this plugin keywords can be merged and classified. You can combine tags into categories. You search for keywords with the plugin and mark them to merge them afterwards. With the plugin Oomph Hidden Tags you can make tags disappear that you once used and now no longer need. For the automatic management of keywords it is useful to activate several plugins so that you don't have to do everything by hand. You will notice how quickly a large number of tags accumulates once you have written a few blog posts. To install the plugins, go to INSTALL PLUGINS in the dashbord and search for the plugin by name or a suitable keyword. Afterwards, you only have to install and activate it so that you can find and use it in the list of installed plugins.

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