About 90 percent of all e-mails sent around the globe today are Spam. Since the spammers use infected computers to send mass mails and malware, these mails are not only annoying, but they are also an extraordinary security risk. In order to detect spam and malware in time and block the receipt of the email or move the mail in question to the spam folder, the Spam House an RLB Spamhaus specially designed for this purpose.

RBL stands for "Real-time Blackhole List". An RBL is used to identify and classify e-mails from dubious senders as spam. The RBL is the first real-time blacklist (DNSBL) that was made public. It was developed by Paul Vixies. RBL lists can be used for various purposes and can be used by anyone. Today, RBL is a registered trademark of Trend Micro.

The RLB Spamhaus strategy protects you from malware and spam

Every day, millions of people worldwide use the medium of e-mail for communication. If you also regularly communicate via e-mail for business or private purposes, you will agree that e-mail has become indispensable in both business and private life.

Parallel to the triumphal march of this Internet service, however, the number of unsolicited e-mails, known to you under the abbreviation spam, unfortunately also increased. In the meantime, unfortunately, more spam mails are sent worldwide than wanted mails. Most of these unwanted mails are advertising. If you find unwanted advertising mails in your mailbox from time to time, you know from experience that spam costs you a lot of time and society several billion Euros per year. For this reason, RLB Spamhaus.org uses a filter system to separate spam and e-mails of dubious origin from unsolicited e-mail. This effort requires a high financial investment, but without the anti-spam measures of RLB Spamhaus, receiving and sending e-mails would no longer be useful for you and other users. To send spam, the originators of spam use hundreds of thousands of infected computers.

Differences between Spamhaus and other providers

An RLB Spamhaus differs from other RLBs in that it does not list IP addresses from mail servers, but the addresses used by private individuals to dial into the Internet. Sending spam via such an address can therefore not be legal. If, for example, you unexpectedly receive an e-mail from China, you can use the RLB Spamhaus to check whether the sender's IP is blacklisted and, if the answer is positive, refuse to receive the e-mail. An RLB Spamhaus is therefore a useful addition to your anti-virus program and your Firewall recommended.

Measures taken by RLB Spamhaus - advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of the spam protection measures taken by an RLB Spamhaus is especially the fact that a query of the database can be realized quickly and without great technical effort in daily practice. A further advantage of the anti-spam strategy of an RLB Spamhaus is that false-positive results are generated only very rarely. In order to detect spam in the future, the RLB Spamhaus stores the IP address of the mail server through which the untrustworthy mails are sent. This is also the biggest disadvantage If you send mass mails, for example newsletters to users who have registered for them and have expressly agreed to receive them, your mails will unfortunately also be declared as spam.

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And not only that: The mails of other users who use the same server for sending e-mails, which was listed as untrustworthy by an RLB Spamhaus, are also rated as spam. If the mails you send are rejected several times by an RLB Spamhaus, the number of false positives increases for the affected e-mail senders. This happens all the more frequently if several DNSBLs are used in succession to defend against spam mails and malware. If you have become a victim of such an error, you would of course like to know now what you can do about it. With many anti-malware and anti-spam DNSBLs, it is very expensive and often impossible to unsubscribe an IP address once it has been blacklisted. In this case, the anti-spam measures taken by an RLB Spamhaus do more harm to you as the owner or user of an infected computer than to the spammers. If you, as the administrator of a mail server, are considering using an RLB, you must think particularly carefully about which RLB against unsolicited e-mail is best suited to prevent false blacklist entries as far as possible. An RLB Spamhaus offers you the advantage that list entries are automatically removed after a certain period of time.

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