The website service: Important tool for the effectiveness of your own web services

The website service: Important tool for the effectiveness of your own web services

Anyone who runs his own website or online shop not only has to maintain it regularly, but also check it for malware and malware infections. In addition, many elements of the website must be improved and updated in a targeted manner in order to ensure good and comprehensive protection of the website and its data at all times. With a modern website service, you can outsource these tasks extensively and thus have external experts take care of the task. Important for a good website service is above all the large scope of services and technical expertise. Especially when it comes to the managed hosting of your website or content management system, you can enjoy significant advantages through website service.

Website service: Many services for the functionality of the site

A modern website service includes a whole range of services and options to keep your site safe and up-to-date. Not only is the site checked for malware, but your IP is also regularly checked against all common spam lists. Thus you can not only rely on the functionality and up-to-dateness of your website, but above all you can be sure that your site will not be penalized by the major search engines for being infected with malware or appearing on such a spam list. If you have to rely on the economic success of your website, you should entrust the security of your site to real professionals. Only by using professional software and the experts and programmers in the background can updates and security updates be installed quickly and, above all, flexibly.

CMS system benefit enormously from extensive maintenance

Especially content management systems like Joomla or WordPress are extremely popular with many customers. This is not only because of the easy setup of the systems, but also because of the many plugins and templates that are offered for WordPress and Joomla. However, a system like WordPress is not only popular, but also the target of numerous attacks. Security updates always close newly discovered exploits and gaps in the system and thus ensure improved security. However, these updates must not only be applied promptly, but also adapted to the website or the specific CMS if necessary.

Joomla and WordPress are particularly vulnerable

Joomla and WordPress are among the most frequently used content management systems on the market. Especially small and medium sized companies and self-employed persons increasingly use the powerful possibilities offered by these content management systems. This makes these systems extremely attractive for criminal contemporaries, as there is usually no competent IT team in the background to provide the necessary security for the systems. Thus, content management systems such as Joomla or WordPress are in many cases extremely easy to attack and offer sufficient access points for people with the appropriate criminal energy. Only if Joomla and WordPress are regularly provided with all current security updates and also the plugins and templates are adapted to the new security guidelines, such a system can be considered secure. However, since only few private individuals and certainly no small company is able to provide such an update service regularly and with the appropriate technical level, a comprehensive website service is becoming more and more popular. Because with a website service, this work can be outsourced to professionals, who not only react faster, but can also carry out the necessary changes with professional composure. Thus, the security of the system and thus its functionality is maintained.

Website service in detail: Which tasks are taken over

Within the scope of a website service many different tasks can be taken over. Starting with daily security and malware checks, spam list checks, SQL injection tests and important security patches and core updates. It is important that all updates and checks are not only done by experts, but also accompanied by professional software. Thus, systems like WordPress or Joomla can be optimally secured and protected against all eventualities. Through a comprehensive and professionally integrated backup management, all problems can be handled and solved quickly and without risk.

Core updates and security patches

Especially with content management systems, regular updates are part of everyday life. Small and large core updates have to be installed to keep websites based on WordPress or Joomla up-to-date and functional. Within the framework of a website service, however, these updates are not simply taken over and carried out, but rather linked to so-called rollback points. Should a core update cause problems with the system or the functionality of the website, the previous state can be restored quickly and without much effort. This is important in order to ensure the long-term functionality of the website. If you choose a comprehensive website service, you can thus ensure both the security and the functionality of your website and your content management system and at the same time you do not have to worry about the necessary and current updates yourself. The situation is similar with security updates. Because here too, a website service knows how to score points.

webhosting arrowSecurity patches important for the ranking of the pages

Joomla and WordPress are regularly attacked. New vulnerabilities are often reported, which have to be closed by the developers. Such security patches are made available to users after comprehensive testing and can thus be quickly applied. It is important to apply and install these security patches as quickly as possible to ensure the security of the system. Anyone who has been infected with malware once and has landed on the various spam lists knows about the negative effects of such an infection. Such problems quickly make themselves felt in the search engine rankings. Accordingly, it is important to take care of necessary security patches quickly and above all comprehensively.
The experts at Website Service offer a direct line to the manufacturers and programmers of WordPress and Joomla and can therefore offer their own sitepatch service. This means that the patches are already available and can be applied while they are not even officially supported on the provider's website. So many security holes can be closed even before they are announced. A clear sign of a company's security policy and an important point for the efficiency of your own website.

Themes & Plugins in CMS systems

Content management systems such as Joomla or WordPress convince many users by the great variety of plugins and templates offered, with which the system can be optimally adapted to their own needs. However, with a modern and secure website, these elements must also be regularly maintained and, if necessary, updated.

plugin-update-webhosting-cms-wordpressThis can usually also be done by the website operator on his own initiative. But what if various plugins do not provide timely updates and do not work with the new security update as usual. Here a comprehensive website service can be the solution. Because the programmers and experts employed here are able to quickly adapt themes, templates and also plugins to the new requirements and thus provide the desired and necessary security. Where laymen usually despair quickly, professionals can quickly take over these tasks within the framework of a website service. Thus you can run your website based on Joomla or WordPress without any problems and use it with the corresponding professional plugins and templates without exposing the website to danger during important updates.

Malware: The silent threat to websites

Especially systems like WordPress and Joomla are a popular target of malware attacks due to their proliferation. Especially when security patches and updates are missing, an infection can quickly occur here, which remains unnoticed by the webmaster for a long time. Malware can take different forms and serve different purposes. The page can be used for sending Spam misused or used to spread further malware. However, malware can also be used to grab data and customer data and forward it externally. A regular and daily updated check for malware is therefore of crucial importance for website services.
A daily and comprehensive malware check on Joomla or WordPress not only provides you with the necessary security, but also checks a large number of elements on your content management system. Thus, not only the common signatures of known malware are scanned, but also SQL injections are specifically searched for and file changes are monitored. In this way, even previously undetected malware infections can be quickly and reliably detected by the website service. Without such security and without such regular and professional checks, content management systems such as WordPress or Joomla quickly pose a real threat to the website operator.

Spam lists: Here you have to be especially attentive

Spam lists are a great danger for website operators and webmasters. Such lists collect the IP addresses from which spam mails are sent regularly and in large numbers. Whoever is once on such a spam list can quickly get into trouble. The major search engines themselves have such spam lists and use different lists from the web and compare the data with them. If a website is listed on such a list with its IP address, this can have enormous effects on the visibility of the website. This is because all major search engines penalize pages on these lists significantly and thus reduce their visibility.
A regular and, ideally, daily check in the form of a reputation scan on the various blacklists and spam lists is part of a successful website service and provides comprehensive security.

mxtoolbox spam list checkIf the website appears on such a blacklist or spamming list, this may be the first sign that the website has been infected. However, this can also lead to errors. For this reason, such warnings must be thoroughly checked and counter-checked. Only through regular checks and with the security of your own website behind you can such false entries be dealt with quickly and effectively. Thus, a professional website service not only serves the security of your own website and content management system, but can also improve the permanent visibility of your website in search engines. If you wonder why your WordPress or Joomla website does not appear in the search results despite good and extensive SEO measures, this may be due to the entry in one or more spam lists. This danger should not be underestimated.

Important and helpful systems for checking and cleaning up WordPress & Co

WordPress and Joomla are popular not only because of the very large number of plugins and templates, but also because of the large number of security features and the corresponding security software. If you would like to take over the monitoring of your own website yourself, you can fall back on a number of offers that will help you to monitor your website and to control the different elements. In particular, the offer of SiteLock quickly made a good name for itself on the net and is now used by many companies.

SiteLock: The market leader in website security

The SiteLock company offers a range of tools and products that allow you to monitor and control your website. In addition, we offer a variety of monitoring plans that cover the various website services. From daily scans for malware and monitoring all common spam lists to the control of SQL injections and XSS injections, the different security plans can cover many threats to your WordPress or Joomla installation.

height =Due to the extremely flexible offers, these services are mainly used by large companies, which can thus relieve part of their IT department of these often tiresome tasks. Smaller companies are usually better off with a website service offered directly by the hoster, as this not only allows them to react faster, but also offers comprehensive update and backup services, while at the same time taking care of the removal of detected malware. This way your Joomla or WordPress installation remains secure and permanently accessible for your customers.

SiteLock Lite: The free solution for many web sites

SiteLock's services are extremely broad and often oversized for many simple websites of small businesses and individuals. With Sitelock Lite, a free version is available that also offers you good and comprehensive protection. No matter if you use WordPress or Joomla as your content management system: With SiteLock Lite, your site will be checked for malware early and regularly and you will receive an immediate notification if your site is infected. This allows you to react quickly and, in the worst case, prevent a blacklisting of your site. However, the system's capabilities are very limited. This is because the elimination of the problems must be carried out by yourself or by the service provider of your choice. However, as part of a comprehensive website service, these tasks are performed by experts.

The update of the server environment

If you have your website hosted directly by a provider who offers its own website service, the update of the server environment is usually part of the service. This means above all a maximization of security, as the server's points of entry for malware and attacks can be minimized. In addition, the server and server platform are regularly adapted to the current requirements of the software used. If you use a content management system such as WordPress or Joomla, for example, the supported PHP version plays an important role.

plesk-php version adaptationsIf no regular server update is performed, in the worst case this can mean that you will not be able to apply new core updates or security patches, as they may no longer be compatible with the server platform. Therefore, regular updates not only for the software you use, but also for the server are crucial for the security of your website. Thus the infrastructure is always optimally adapted to your used system and convinces both by the speed of the connection and the pure working speed of your website based on Joomla or WordPress.

Backups & Co - the emergency plan for all eventualities

Regular website backups are also part of a good and comprehensive website service. The backups are carried out both regularly and as needed and are kept for a longer period of time. This means in detail: On the one hand, regular updates of your entire website and the site structure and databases are carried out. These are usually run daily, or more often if required. These backups are available to you for a previously defined period of time so that you can restore the state of your site on a specified date if necessary and desired.
Further backups are always created when new features or updates to your site become necessary. This offers you an enormously high level of security, as any errors or problems that may occur with the new updates cannot cause permanent problems. In the worst case you only have to import an existing backup and your Joomla or WordPress installation will work again without any problems as before the update. So you can easily take care of the website service with all tasks and still have the security that in case of emergency all data and databases are available for you in a regular backup. This form of double data security is especially appreciated and regularly requested by companies.

Managed Hosting offers maximum security

If you are looking for an absolutely secure and effective solution to host your WordPress or Joomla installation, you should opt for so-called Managed Hosting. In this case, your website is hosted on its own virtual server, so that you do not have to fear side effects from other hosting solutions on the server. This offers you many advantages. Firstly, the virtual server can usually be optimally adapted to your requirements and needs. On the other hand, with your website the full power of the virtual server is available to you for your services. Furthermore, many offers from the field of website services can be carried out much easier and faster on such a server. Accordingly, many business customers are advised to opt for managed hosting with a comprehensive website service. You cannot and should not expect these extensive services with a normal web space package and are usually not offered. Because it is only through managed hosting that many of the services offered in this area are made possible comprehensively. Among other things, SiteLock Lite can be implemented quickly and easily into the entire website environment and your website can be checked with the most modern technology available.

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