Web hosting - How much may it cost?

Who as an entrepreneur or private person website quickly ask themselves how much money they have to spend on it. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Rather, it depends on various factors, how much web hosting may or must cost in each individual case.

The prices for web hosting are as far apart as the demands. It is pleasing that hosting in general is becoming cheaper and better. For a few euros you can already get a simple but attractive website. And that is good for a small blog operator. This must also earn the few euros first and can not reach deeper into the pocket. For professional websites, the very cheap offers are usually not enough, just because of the required performance. But the operator of a successful online shop can perhaps also afford to invest a little more. By the way, this must also be the case for those who create their website themselves. host wants. The storage space requirement is therefore a decisive criterion. Even for just a few euros you can get over ten gigabytes Webspace. Enough for a simple page for example of private persons, associations or a small hairdresser's shop. Only those who need more power, must also pay more

What web hosting costs must companies expect?

With a commercial website you should not only look at the money. After all, the site should attract customers and earn money. Who saves too much on web hosting can be punished for it. If the server on which the page is stored is not big enough, the whole page is not worth much. When potential business customers visit a site on the Internet, they not only expect it to be professionally designed, but they also expect it to open quickly. If a page is too slow, it can quickly scare customers away. Online shops in particular lose money as a result. Switching to a top server can therefore bring a significant increase in sales. How much performance the server has to provide is determined by the purpose. For a managed server, you can calculate around 140 euros per month.

Powerful managed servers are available from these providers:

[button color="orange" size="medium" link="https://www.webhoster.ag/vserver/" icon="fa-server" target="false"]Managed V-Server - webhoster.de AG[/button]

Private websites may cost less

For simple, private websites it is usually sufficient to host the site on a so-called shared server. Several different websites of very different customers are packed onto one computer. The more pages fit on one server, the cheaper the offer. The servers are usually designed so that there are no complications, even if several websites run on the same server.
Many providers of such cheap web hosting packages have different offers for different purposes. However, it should be clarified in advance which requirements the server must meet. In case of doubt, it is better to choose an offer where there is still some room for improvement. After all, it could be that the site will become more extensive over time. A few euros can often make all the difference here.

Are there any extra costs for the domain?

The prerequisite for your own homepage is to have a domain first. Many web hosters offer a domain in their packages, others do not. In the latter case you have to buy the domain separately. Usually it is much cheaper to order a complete package which includes a domain. Of course there are price differences here as well. Therefore you should compare the offers of different webhosters to find out which package is the cheapest at the bottom line. And don't forget to check in time if the desired domain is still available!

Cheap hosting offers are available from these providers:

[button color="orange" size="medium" link="https://www.ehrenwert-it.de/hosting-und-it/hosting/webhosting" icon="fa-server" target="false"]Webspace with domain and all features for 12 Euro / year[/button]

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