Internet pages can be hosted on a dedicated server or on external servers. The hosting of websites or the use of storage space via external servers has several advantages. The online storage space is provided by Internet service providers who are subject to strict data protection guidelines. The characterization of web hosting is based on the amount of storage capacity, an upper limit for data traffic and its speed as well as various special functions such as the execution of scripting languages like ASP, Phyton, Perl and PHP. Vendors are evaluated based on the average annual availability of servers and technical support during the occurrence of problems.

Hosting of websites: Efficient and cost-effective

The hosting of websites via virtual Webspace offers versatile advantages. Before going into this, the different types of virtual storage are explained. Basically, there are free and paid variants. In the case of free offers, financing is mostly done via advertising banners or pop-up windows. Paid web servers offer good support, permanent availability and a high data volume. When choosing a suitable Internet service provider, its availability and support are of high importance. Which type of web hosting is chosen always depends on the individual case. While smaller homepage operators opt for free offers, professional companies usually choose a reliable, fee-based provider. With web hosting, the customer is given a login to an FTP server, through which the storage space can be accessed. There not only a website uploaded and published, but data, movies, photos, etc. are stored. In addition to the actual storage space, domains and email addresses are provided.

The basic advantages of web hosting

Private web servers are extremely expensive and often not worthwhile for the operation of individual websites. Therefore, the use of an external web hoster is advantageous. The servers are usually up to date and secured against attacks by unauthorized persons, so that you can benefit from extreme security. The servers are housed in modern computer centres which are cooled. Therefore the servers can remain in use permanently - overheating is impossible. In addition, trained employees who are technically versed and can solve even complex tasks can benefit. The security of data is a priority for webhosters. All data is backed up daily so that it is still available in case of a hardware crash. If important data is accidentally deleted, it can be restored from the backup or trash. In contrast to private servers, webhosters use professional equipment that is suitable for permanent operation. Professional providers try to offer their customers an optimal cost-benefit ratio and convince with many customized offers that can be adapted to individual needs.

Further advantages of professional webspace providers

Gewerbliche Internetdienstleister, die Webspace anbieten, überzeugen durch eine dauerhafte Verfügbarkeit an 365 Tagen im Jahr. Die Einrichtung eines Accounts dauert nur wenige Minuten – die FTP-Daten werden automatisch per E-mail versendet, sodass ein schneller Zugriff auf den Speicherplatz gewährleistet wird. Die Installation von Scripten und die Einrichtung von E-Mail-Adressen kann im Regelfall selbst durchgeführt werden. Viele Anbieter ermöglichen Pakete, welche Multi-Domain fähig sind, d.h. eine Webseite kann unter mehreren URLs erreicht werden. Die Bereitstellung von Webspace hat sich in den vergangen Jahren durchgesetzt. Die Konzentration von Speicherplatz im Internet hat zu einer enormen Professionalisierung und Spezialisierung geführt, die von Privatpersonen kaum umgesetzt werden könnte. Das Webhosting ist mit seinen vielseitigen Vorteilen und professionellen Angeboten mittlerweile zur Normalität geworden.

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