Use and extend WordPress text editor

You are blogging and want to know how to use and extend the WordPress editor optimally? In this article you will learn how to create texts comfortably with the Word-Press text editor, how to design your texts clearly, how to implement different formats and how to extend the Word-Press text editor with additional functions.

General information about the WordPress text editor

The editor used to enter texts is called TinyMCE Editor. This application is a WYISWYG editor. These letters stand as an abbreviation for "What you see is what you get". This means that you can see all your input live as well as the formatting as you type. The WordPress editor was developed by the company Ephox. It is included as a fixed component in WordPress integrated. With the tool you create static pages and your text posts. Since the WordPress text editor lets you switch between the source code view and the visual view quickly and at will, you don't need any HTML knowledge either.

The WordPress editor was developed by the company Ephox. It is integrated as a fixed component in WordPress. With the tool you create static pages and your text posts. Since you can switch quickly and arbitrarily between the source code view and the visual view, you do not need any HTML knowledge. Furthermore, you can also easily create a numbered list or a bulleted list with this editor. If you need more features, all you need to do is enable the toolbar in the WordPress text editor by simply clicking the "Toggle Toolbar" button. With this click, you have added another toolbar to your default version. The extension you have made allows you to style your text posts with already preset formatting, use text indents, and highlight text passages with color. You are already familiar with these predefined settings if you use the Office package from Microsoft use.

Enable and disable visual WordPress editor

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, you can switch between the plain text editor and the visual text editor when creating text with the WordPress editor. If you need to preview how the text you create will look on your website is displayed, use the visual text editor. To do this, click the "Visual" button to get a live preview of your text contribution and formatting. If you want to edit the formatting and source code, switch to the plain text editor by clicking the "Text" button.

Is the WordPress Editor always practical?

The TinyMCE Editor is not always optimal. The word processing program Microsoft Word offers you much more functions to format and edit your texts. However, it is problematic that your texts, which you have created with Microsoft Word, do not have the same formatting after copying them into the WordPress Editor. You can solve this problem by inserting your written articles as plain text in your WordPress editor.

Insert unformatted text into the WordPress editor

The developers of the TinyMCE Editor have already integrated a suitable solution for this problem into the tool. The visual text editor provides a tab that allows you to insert unformatted text without having to switch from the visual to the plain text editor. If you create your posts in Microsoft Word and want to apply the formatting you have applied, click on the "Insert text without formatting" button to prevent formatting errors. You can use this button, for example, to paste your text from the clipboard into your WordPress editor. This procedure not only saves you from so-called "data garbage", but also gives you full control over the HTML code. If you want to make changes to the source code, leave the visual editor and switch to the plain text editor to make the desired changes.

Which special characters are supported by the WordPress Editor?

Depending on the content of your text, you may have to use special characters. To be able to insert the special characters, the TinyMCE editor is also equipped with a special tab. After clicking on the button Special Characters you can insert them into your post.

Insert links in WordPress articles

The WordPress Editor also offers you the possibility to link complete text passages, sentences, and individual words if you want to point to an Internet presence. To generate or remove links, you can use the two buttons "Remove link" and "Insert/modify link". Instead of text you can of course also link graphics and images. To insert links, click on the button "insert/modify link". A pop-up will open in which you can insert the link address. Links may be made both to external websites and to your own content. If you want to set a link to one of your contributions, just enter a search word. You will then be shown one or more articles and you simply have to select and click on your link target. To edit a link, click on the gear symbol. A window will open where you can edit your link text and determine whether the link opens in a new browser tab or in a new window.

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