.cooking is the ideal extension for websites that deal with the topic of cooking in any form. So there are many possibilities to use this domain also in the German area.
The domain for cooking schools and cooking courses
First and foremost, with the right domain extension you have the opportunity to stand out from the competition and thus be found faster or simply be more interesting. With the extension .cooking, cooking schools or other providers who offer cooking courses can provide their own homepage with the appropriate extension. Especially since cooking courses are something newfangled, one of the new domains can certainly draw a lot of attention to the homepage. So it fits ideally together to offer cooking courses under this domain.
Making kitchen dealers visible
Not only Kochschluen can use this domain to become more visible on the Internet. Also dealers who sell kitchens can use the ending to make the customer curious. But it can also work especially well for dealers who offer not only kitchens, but also everything that is used in the kitchen, because these things have a direct relationship to the topic of cooking, so also "cooking".
Making recipes available online
Many small homepages, but also some big ones have specialized in providing recipes for the users online. Nothing is better than to provide the corresponding homepage with an extension like .cooking. With this ending, users can immediately recognize that they are in the right place if they are interested in cooking and are looking for a recipe. Again, in the end it is up to the user of the domain what is hitnerlegt there. But if you are clever enough to add something about cooking to this ending, you have many chances to be successful with your own homepage and to become more visible on the internet.
Registration period of the domain
Minimum and maximum length
Transfer to the Premium Provider
Change of ownership (registrant)
Provider change possible
Whois update possible
Whois Privacy Protection
Name Server Update
Domain Expire (end of term)
Deletion immediately
Umlauts possible
Restore after deletion possible