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.luxury domain

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from 109.00€ per year including 19% VAT

Meaning and history

The domain extension .luxury comes from the English language and means luxury or luxurious.
This describes a pompous lifestyle that far surpasses the average lifestyle.
Luxury means something different to everyone, but it usually refers to an item or standard of living that is more exclusive and does not include many people.

Among the most popular luxury goods are private transportation by air, sea and land, designer goods such as furniture or clothing and accessories, food, art and real estate.
So the listed choices are huge and versatile and can be used cleverly thanks to a website ending in .luxury.

This domain conveys to the prospective customer to be something special, because luxury is not available to everyone and who can afford it, who would like to stand out with luxury goods from the masses.
Goods or services offered on this homepage also stand for quality, professionalism and seriousness, because luxury always has its price.
Sites ending in .luxury can also serve the purpose of connecting with other luxury-minded individuals and give the feeling of select company.

People who share a similar glamorous standard of living like to keep to themselves, because this group of people can empathize with each other better.
The operator could thus, for example, restrict access to the website for members by means of a login.
The smaller the circulation of a good or service, the higher the demand and interest, because if something is available less frequently, a person associates with it a certain important position if he can get hold of the coveted object.

Owners of a .luxury site have the possibility to address an audience that is willing to pay higher sums for a good service.
Be it a tangible object or an intangible gesture.
A high level of satisfaction also ensures successful referrals.

Of course, people who are less likely to fit this pattern can also be interested in luxury and enjoy something that does not appear for everyone.
It doesn't have to be high priced goods, as luxury can also be affordable and this look helps it expand the customer base.
The possibilities can be stretched as far as the customer is willing to pay.

Special features of the domain extension


Registration period of the domain

The registration of a .luxury domain usually takes a few hours

Minimum and maximum length

3 - 63 characters

Transfer to the Premium Provider

Change of ownership (registrant)

Provider change possible

Whois update possible

Whois Privacy Protection

Name Server Update

Domain Expire (end of term)

Deletion immediately

Umlauts possible

Restore after deletion possible

A reactivation is possible within the first 30 days after deletion (99 € incl. 19 % VAT)

Forms and conditions

You can find the terms and conditions for .luxury domains in our overview.
