The lean software - LiveConfig
Es handelt sich um eine Software zur sicheren Administration von Servern über eine SSl-geschützte, moderne Weboberfläche. LiveConfig wird zur Verwaltung von Servern auf der Linux-Plattform verwendet. Vorhandene Softwarepakete werden automatisch erkannt und mithilfe anpassbarer und quelloffener Skripte konfiguriert. LiveConfig konfiguriert die Pakete der Distributionen, auf denen es installiert ist. Dadurch werden keine proprietären Pakete aufgedrückt, was LiveConfig minimal invasiv macht. Verfügbar ist die Software für die Distributionen Ubuntu, Debian, Gentoo, Suse und CentOS. Da LiveConfig eine eigenständige Software ist, werden Apache, PHP oder MySQL nicht benötigt. Zudem ist die Software multi-Server-fähig. So können mehrere Server unter einer Oberfläche zentral verwaltet werden. Es ist also kein Problem, wenn sich EMail, Datenbanken und Webspace are located on different servers. Currently, NGINX. MySQL 5.x, PHP 5.x, Dovecot, Apache and Postfix servers can be managed with LiveConfig. Access to LiveConvig is protected by a configurable password policy, various methods of two-factor authentication and several other features. A PHP is not needed for de software, because it is completely programmed in C/C++. This eliminates problems after PHP updates. The administration of multiple systems via a central LiveConfig server is possible, provided that an appropriate license is available. The software has a proprietary, own protocol, over which the communication between the systems takes place. This is the LCCP, the LiveConfig Client Protocol. You can read about the other functions of LiveConvig and the advantages of the software in the following article.
The functions
The software can manage several servers simultaneously via a central interface. It also provides individual services, such as e-mail or MySQL, ready. Administrators are provided with a graphical display of important server data, such as IP traffic, CPU usage and much more. The rights management is flexible. So it is possible to create multiple users, which can have different rights. With LiveConfig some main tasks can be done. These tasks include configuring domains and subdomains, creating and managing databases, setting up password protection for directories, a live log display, setting up email mailboxes, creating usage statistics, activating error logs and displaying system information such as disk space, traffic, CPU usage and more. LiveConfig supports email clients such as Outlook, KMail, Thunderbird and, at logon, two-factor authentication. The integration of own content is possible without any problems. To run a LiveConfig server, at least 15MB RAM and 30MB free disk space are required. For the web interface the browsers Firefox, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer and Chrome can be used. To use LiveConfig JacaSkript must be activated. PHP, PerlFlash or Python, on the other hand, are not required. Since it also does without Flash, servers can also be managed on the iPad, without any restrictions. More resources are available for the application, since it does not require a Database, still needs an interpreter. Configuration files can be created using the easy-to-learn script language Lua. Administrators are able to adapt the scripts individually to the given requirements. HTML5 and Ajax are used for dynamic data updates in the browser.
Three license versions
The software is a commercial product. The product belongs to Keppler IT GmbH from Erlangen in Bavaria. For LiveConfig there is a 30-day test license. Furthermore, the software is available in three license versions. A distinction is made between Basic, Standard and Business. The basic version is intended for users of small servers and private customers. With the basic license up to 10 users can be managed. With the standard version, a server can be administered unlimitedly, no matter how many domains or users are set up with it. With the Business Version, multiple servers can be managed through a central web interface.
Installation of LiveConfig
The software can be completely uninstalled at any time. This is made possible by the simply designed installation packages. The flexible rights and user administration brings many advantages. All objects created with LiveConfig, such as domains, customers or servers, receive individually encrypted IDs. The interface of the Simple Object Access Protocol is ideal for connecting to your own ordering systems. New domains, customers or users can be created automatically.
You can find providers who offer Liveconfig in our Web hosting directory.