Yoast SEO for WordPress

Search engine optimization is virtually a basic requirement for websites today in order to be well positioned in the long term and to be found via search engines. The majority of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) measures are pure hard work. Starting with the correct alignment of page titles and headings and ending with the creation of an XML sitemap, there are a few things to keep in mind if you want to be ahead of the game.

SEO Plugins for WordPress

WordPress is probably the most used content management system - at least in the blogging world, that is probably beyond question. That this fact is not unfounded, shows especially the good alignment of the CMS to search engines. WordPress can be adapted and optimized via numerous plugins without the admin having to intervene in the source code of the website. Especially for the area of search engine optimization, there are also some plugins that have long gained great popularity in the scene.

SEO by Yoast

One of these SEO Wordpress plugins is "SEO by Yoast". This is one of the most comprehensive plugins for optimizing your own website and basically covers all relevant areas of so-called on-page optimization. This plugin is actually completely out of competition, because unlike many other plugins it can be downloaded for free. A test should be worth it for this reason alone.

Another fact is that Yoast has grown within a short period of time to become one of the most popular WordPress plug-ins and now has over 10 million downloads. Yoast is equipped with a very extensive language package. In addition to the English and German language version, more than 35 other languages can be selected. Maybe this is one of many reasons why this SEO plugin is so popular.

What does the plugin do?

The plugin has, as announced, a lot of functions and features to show. Some features are, for example, the analysis and optimization of content, the verification for the Google Search Console, the automated creation of page titles and metatags, the targeting of social networks such as FacebookTwitter and Google+ as well as the automated generation of an XML sitemap. In the latest version, the plugin also takes into account relevant Schema.org formatting and the creation of so-called breadcrumbs.


The automated creation of the page title and meta tags such as the description of the page is based on a template that can be predefined by the user and adapted as required. For the optimization of the website it is important that relevant search terms are placed as far forward as possible in the page title - this should be taken into account when creating such a template. Since the generation of an XML sitemap is not standard in WordPress, this feature should be used in any case. By providing a sitemap, the Google bot is able to crawl the website faster and add new content to the index in a timely manner. It is important to know that the sitemap has no direct influence on the ranking of the website. However, to make it easier for the Google bot to find the subpages, it is definitely recommended.

New content can also be sent directly to the search engines. In addition appropriate services are angepingt - also this measure takes over the Plugin and considers thereby the most well-known German and international search machines.

Many more functions are waiting for interested WordPress users. This wonderful and free plugin definitely deserves a chance. Try it out!

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