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Create Youtube api key

The number of applications that require the so-called Youtube Api Key (translated Youtube Api Key) is continuously increasing. The Youtube Api Key is mandatory for importing Youtube videos since version ViMP 3.1.6. But where can you find the Youtube Api Key ? This much shall be anticipated at this point: In your Youtube account you will look for the Api Code unfortunately in vain.

Youtube Api Key - Functions

You will probably ask yourself not only where you get the Api Key from, but also what you need it for lately. It is needed to connect your website with Youtube so that additional information about the video can be retrieved. It is still mandatory if you want to integrate videos from your channel on Youtube into your website. It is still possible to manually integrate your videos by manually integrating the code snippet belonging to the video into your website. The disadvantage of this is that after each new Video Upload on Youtube always also your homepage need to update. In this case, the API v3, which is made available to you by the video platform YouTube, provides a remedy.

Requirements for creating the Youtube Api Key

To create a Youtube Api Key, you need a Google+ account. If you don't have one yet, you have to create a Google+ account first. This is done within a few minutes. Next, log in to "Google Developers" to create a new project. To do this, go to the URL https://console.developers.google.com/project. You are free to choose the name for your project. It is needed to distinguish between your different projects. Now search for "Data API v3" in the "Google Developers" console to get to a new view. Now select PIs and Authentication > APIs from the menu on the left. Then type the term "YouTube" into the search mask. In the search results list, click YouTube Data API v3 and then click Enable File API.

Application programming interface. API. Software development concept.

Creation of the Youtube Api Key using Youtube Data API v3

Now you have created the requirements that are absolutely necessary to create the Youtube Api Key. Proceed as follows to create the api key: To do so, first click on the button "Access data" > "Create new key" in the menu one step further down. Now you have the choice between iOS key, Android key, browser key and server key. If you use the Youtube Api Key for embedding videos in WordPress If you need additional information for your website, choose Server key in the selection. If you want to provide the additional information to every visitor of your website, simply leave the free field for the text empty in the pop-up that appears. To finally get your Youtube Api Key, click the "Create" button to finish. You can also view the created Youtube Api Key at a later time if necessary. All you have to do is select the corresponding project in the "Google Developers" console and then click on "APIs and Authentication > Credentials". Copy this long code directly into the settings of the ViMP Backend -> Configuration -> Youtube Import > Copy Youtube API Key. After this is done, you have successfully established the connection between Youtube and your website and you can use the Youtube import immediately.

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