
The hyperlink - and how to use it sensibly Many homepage operators, whether layman or professional, will have been confronted with the term hyperlink at least once. However, many of them do not know exactly what it is or how they can use it sensibly for their website. Therefore it makes sense to use the term [...]

Instructions Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is a very popular WordPress SEO plugin. That means Yoast SEO is installed on countless WordPress websites. Many website owners find this plugin very useful and useful. This plugin optimizes both technical aspects of the website and helps to optimize it. Thanks to this free WordPress plugin [...]

Joomla website move to WordPress

CMS is the most common way for laymen to create a website nowadays. Also Joomla was once among the most popular content management systems, but has been completely replaced by WordPress. But at this point everyone can understand why not everyone wants to rebuild the website that has already been created [...]

Yoast Seo extension

The Yoast SEO extension is not only very practical, but also easy to install and use. Once the plug-in is downloaded, you need to go directly to the "Company Information" tab, after clicking on "General" in the SEO menu. Checkboxes in the Yoast Seo extension Now enter the name of the company, taking into account that [...]

Fake shops during the Christmas season - Attention fraudsters

Fake shops during the Christmas season - Attention cheaters! The Christmas season is a real blessing for online commerce - the sales of most online retailers are increasing by leaps and bounds. The unexpected money blessing unfortunately also attracts fraudsters. They increasingly create fake online shops in which goods are offered but never delivered. Customers should visit online shops with particularly tempting offers at exactly [...]

Cloud computing for small businesses

Cloud computing is particularly interesting for small and medium-sized companies, as it offers many advantages and opportunities for working more effectively. Being able to access their data anytime and from anywhere - a dream of every entrepreneur. Nevertheless, the enthusiasm for the highly praised cloud-based services is rather reserved. But the advantages are obvious. Head [...]

How to create your own blog with WordPress

With the thought easy and fast to publish your own blog with WordPress, many people play with it. But how does that work? Then here is the first question. The easiest way to do this is with WordPress, and above all, it's free. But be careful, not everything that is offered is really free. The first important step Of course the [...]

Web hosting tips for startup founders

Start-up founders have to deal with numerous hurdles. Choosing the right webhoster is just one of many. Whether online shop or website: There are numerous pitfalls in web hosting that need to be avoided. This applies all the more to start-up entrepreneurs. With a functioning website, companies stand or fall. Web hosters - important tips for start-up founders Start-up founders are entitled to [...]

Starter tariff

As one of the first web hosting companies in Germany, we have been offering web hosting rates - also called web space - on our own servers since 1996. With us you get the suitable WebHosting tariff for your homepage or your business website. Always exactly adapted to the needs and of course at a price you won't get from other providers [...]

The Apple Watch - buy or service?

When Smartwatches will finally reach the mainstream remains uncertain. Until then, however, Apple is also trying to inspire buyers with its own watch (and not iWatch) - and the recently released watchOS 2 should also play its part in making the device palatable. We will show you whether the purchase of the Apple Watch is worthwhile or [...]