Joomla belongs to the most well-known content management systems that are currently available on the market. With the help of the user-friendly controls, even beginners will be able to get along well with it after a short time.

Different Joomla providers

Many Joomla hosting providers offer special Webspace packages that are precisely tailored to the software. The Joomla content management system is free of charge. It belongs next to the well-known WordPress to the most commonly used software that would be well suited for the realization of your websites. The Joomla offers in web hosting offer you the advantage that you can use the preinstalled CMS directly. You do not have to worry much about the technical details or an installation.

Joomla hosting packages are very practical

Joomla packages meet all technical requirements, so you can use them for a trouble-free use. To find the right package for you, you should compare all conditions of the packages with each other. It does not always make sense to buy the largest package right away. Rather, you should first think about which files you want to outsource. Your advantage is that you can always add more files to your package.

The requirements of a Joomla Webhosting

Joomla was written on the basis of PHP. It uses special databases to organize the content. The Joomla web hosting package must always support the script language PHP (version 5.3.10 or higher) for the latest version. For databases the form of MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB or Microsoft SQL must be available. In order to be able to execute even extensive scripts without errors, the PHP memory limit must be set to at least 128 MB.

How do you install your Joomla package?

If you want to run your website with the help of Joomla, then the fast installers of the web hosting providers will certainly help you quickly. The One Click Installer is a handy online application that can help you install Joomla within a minute. The powerful script allows you to install Joomla on your website with just a few clicks. A technical expertise or other knowledge is not required. The hosting functions provide you with important information, for example about the MySQL database. This technology is used by Joomla to store your information. If you want to use several websites on your web hosting account at the same time, then you need a separate database for each website.

Online shops can be created quickly through Joomla

As soon as your new website is ready, you can publish it directly. This gives your customers and interested internet users direct access to your data. Such a CMS has a lot of power. This makes it very easy to create blogs, online shops or company websites yourself. At the same time you can use many advertising networks. But first of all you should make sure that the hosting company you have chosen supports you with free advertising on your website. Through the standard Joomla CMS package you get a powerful application, where you have the possibility to use numerous extensions of the Joomla website with one download. Thus you remain flexible at any time. Free templates for free and commercial purposes can be found numerously on the net.

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